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Youth to Power : your voice and how to use it
: Jamie Margolin
: first edition
: 251 hlm
: youth political activity juvenile literature government policy social action
: Hachette GO - New York
: 2020
: 9780738246673
Call Number
: 320.0835 JAM y
Ringkasan :
The 2016 No Dakota Access Pipeline protests. March for Our Lives and School Strike for Climate. What do these social justice movements have in common? They were led by passion- ate, informed, engaged young people. Award-winning activist and Zero Hour cofounder Jamie Margolin has been organizing and protesting since she was fourteen years old. Now the coleader of a global climate action movement, she knows better than most how powerful a young person can be. In Youth to Power, Jamie walks readers through every step of what effective, inter- national activism looks like, with advice on writing op-eds, organizing events and peaceful protests, time management as a student activist, utilizing traditional and social media to spread your message, and sustaining long-term action. She features interviews with prom- inent young activists including Tokata Iron Eyes of the #NoDAPL movement and Nupol Kiazolu from #BlackLivesMatter, with guidance on handling backlash and prioritizing mental health.

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