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Miles to Go : a collection of speeches of prime minister Sheikh Hasina
: Sheikh Hasina
: 344 hlm.
: Bangladesh
: The Prime Minister's Press Wing - Dhaka
: 1998
Call Number
: 954.92 HAS m
Ringkasan :
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina who is now heading the government ahead of the 30 December 2018 elections to the 350-seat parliament had not shown any lack of confidence about returning to office for the fourth time, but after listening to her speech at the Armed Forces Day from a close range, I believe she is all set for any consequences. On the other hand, the Economist, which has been one of her major critics, surprised readers by finally acknowledging the great strides Bangladesh has made under Sheikh Hasina. It admits, despite reservations on some issues, that Bangladesh has emerged as “Role Model” in a number of areas. Thank God, finally the Economist has acknowledged the unprecedented successes of Sheikh Hasina.It continued to praise the country’s newly attained plusses in the economic front and lower fertility rate, higher school enrolment and longer life expectancy than its peers. “No one, however, would envy Bangladesh’s politics,” The London-based magazine said in its current edition adding that the politics in this country was “characterised by an all-or-nothing, no-holds-barred aggression between two parties, the ruling Awami League and its main rival the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP).” True, very true. Sheikh Hasina during her straight 10-year rule had delivered a lot to her electorate with digital Bangladesh and her vision 2021 to be followed by vision 2040. The world must acknowledge that she is the first Bangladeshi leader to have any kind of future vision for this South Asian country and strictly working tirelessly to implement those. The digital Bangladesh promise is a landmark as it has changed Bangladesh’s new young voters to reach out without much effort or cost to get any information they wanted. I am not denying the fact that she has too had some major mistakes, which have been unpopular and faced the wrath of the western leaders as well as the media. She too is a human being and some slips are possible, especially with some incompetent people and sycophants around her. But this does not mean she has lost the right to seek a fourth term in office in 30 December polls.

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