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Business research methods
: Pamela S. Schindler
: Edisi 14
: xxxi, 624 halaman; 27 cm
: penelitian bisnis
: Mc Graw Hill - New York
: 2022
: 9781264704651
Call Number
: 658.007 2 PAM b
Ringkasan :
So much is happening in business as we move into this third decade of the millennium. I wanted know how researchers were dealing with the constancy of change. I heard two themes consistently: justification and speed. With so much of a firm's resources being committed to data-driven decision making and data analytics, justify- ing the need for new data has become difficult for some managers. Speed in research continues to be increasingly important in the current business environment. Happily. quality is not being sacrificed for quick information. Being confident in the results is still critically important. All sorts of terms are used to describe the unstable envi- ronment in which most businesses are operating: chaos, upheaval, and disruption are some of the most common terms that surfaced. Some firms are sacrificing research and standing their ground or making bold moves without its guid ance. Other firms are finding alternative methodologies that can deliver insights more quickly. Others are forming eco- systems and sharing their existing data with this partnership of firms. Still others are conducting new research to make bolder moves to cause disruptions in their own industries. I've used various interim GreenBook Research Industry Trends (GRIT) reports to guide the research for this revi- sion. The latest GRIT Report is based on the largest study of research suppliers and users ever conducted. Automa- tion and privacy are hot topics in GRIT, so I've added material on both these topics in the 14th edition. GRIT is always a wealth of great analysis and a stimulator of ques- tions that has me seeking out collaborators for their ideas and experiences. In researching trends in business research, I discovered several outstanding books on research method- ologies since the last edition, so I've shared some highlights of those in some of the snapshots. Some of my research ideas come not from the world of business, which makes their discovery all the more special. I hope you'll be enticed to explore these books, not just settle for nug- gets I've shared in Snapshots and Closeups.

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