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English for engineering
: Yashinta Farahsani
: Cetakan pertama, Juli 2022
: Nudia Imarotul Husna
: xii, 252 halaman : ilustrasi ; 24 cm
: English learning
: UMY Press - Bantul
: 2022
: 978-623-6299-39-5
Call Number
: 428 YAS e
Ringkasan :
There are some types of English courses, and it depends on the need, such as general English, which learns about the basics of English; English for Academic Purposes (EAP), which learns about the English test preparation and any academic matters; and English for Specific Purposes (ESP) which learns the English language more specifically depending on the purpose. English of Engineering is one example of ESP, which aims to improve students' English capability in Engineering majors. This book consists of 15 chapters with 15 topics about engineering, including English skills, such as reading, listening, writing. and speaking. The main purposes of writing this book are to make the students able to improve their vocabulary of technical terms, to understand the reading text and comprehend it, to understand and get used to English listening, to write paragraphs, essays, and articles in English, and able to do an English presentation.

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