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Border Studies of ASIA : people, governance, conflicts and resolutions
: Tulus Warsito
: juli 2013
: 468 halaman ; ilustrasi ; 24 cm
: Pemerintahan ; Revolusi ;Kependudukan ; konflik
: LP3M UMY - Yogyakarta
: 2013
: 978-602-7577-25-1
Call Number
: 327.1 War b
Ringkasan :
AREA Studies in general, and border studies in particular to be considered as the elementary subject to the International studies, since the main actors in the cases of international affairs are state actors which its basic component is territory a geographical boundary The analysis in this book focus in the case of boundaries of Asia either in term of a continental boundaries amongst other continents or state's boundaries inside the continent As a part of reference of political studies, this book will also analyze cultural boundaries or any border of value system that have been occurring in Asia Since all those type of boundaries are created according to some particular regulations to some particular value systems, which in brief are people-made the book is also concerning in finding out the system of people grouping the way they name theu group learning deeply their way in articulating their interests and the way they develop their life, the way they manage the relationship within the nation and the continent As an elementary tool of a studies, as what is mentioned in the first paragraph of this foreword, this book might revealed nothing but the data base of Asia as a continent in the perspective of political science, especially the international politics As basic data the author wished the book would help scholar of international studies, especially the undergraduate students, to understand and to be familiar with Asia as the largest continent on earth, as the new market centre of the recent global affairs

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No. Barcode Lokasi No. Rak Ketersediaan
1 00082810 Perpustakaan Pusat 300 Dipinjam oleh 20110510219
harus kembali 03/12/2013
2 00256363 Universiana TIDAK DIPINJAMKAN
3 00256441 Universiana TIDAK DIPINJAMKAN


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