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Proceeding: Second International Joint Seminar: The Impact of Globalization om Muslim world: Multi Dimensional issues
: 443
: proceeding international joint seminar sex trafficking global media and muslim representations globalization, MNCs and Post invasion recunnctruction in Iraq ILO's Contributions to Labor Law terrorism and international law and islam muslim youth and the challanges iran Nuclear proliferation Globalization and new economic order Improving students TOEFL score through games developing Lecturer's Islamic leadership and management globalization and Islamic thought the Ngruki school of terrorism organizational justice on employee reaction and attitude promoting disease detection behavior using massage framing and level of involvement halal regime syariah law globalization capitalism to Islamic economic ideas human resources management islamic political thought periperal position of islamic civilization transnation terrorism corporate social responsibility the impact of globalization forest management woman political participant irving kristol and war minded of neoconservatism islamic accounting Standard health care system local government performance manajemen zakat market of liberalization international ,onetary fund water privatitation in moslim countries indonesian legal system globalization and revival of Islam in Indonesia arabic language in globalization era
: UMY-IIUM - yogyakarta
Call Number
: Pros UMY 2
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