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: William F. Ganong, MD and Jack and DeLoris Lange Professor of Physiology
: Lange Medical Books/McGraw-Hill Medical Publis
: 2003
Call Number
: ebook 23
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This book is designed to provide a concise summary of mammalian and, particularly, of human physiology that medical students and others can use by itself or can supplement with readings in other texts, monographs, and reviews. Pertinent aspects of general and comparative physiology are also included. Summaries of relevant anatomic considerations will be found in each section, but this book is written primarily for those who have some knowledge of anatomy, chemistry, and biochemistry. Examples from clinical medicine are given where pertinent to illustrate physiologic points. In many of the chapters, physicians desiring to use this book as a review will find short discussions of important symptoms produced by disordered function. Review of Medical Physiology also includes a self-study section to help students review for Board and other examinations and an appendix that contains general references, a discussion of statistical methods, a glossary of abbreviations, acronyms, and symbols commonly used in physiology, and several useful tables. The index is comprehensive and specifically designed for ease in locating important terms, topics, and concepts. In writing this book, the author has not been able to be complete and concise without also being dogmatic. I believe, however, that the conclusions presented without detailed discussion of the experimental data on which they are based are supported by the bulk of the current evidence. Much of this evidence can be found in the papers cited in the credit lines accompanying the illustrations. Further discussions of particular subjects and information on subjects not considered in detail can be found in the references listed at the end of each section. Information about serial review publications that provide up-to-date discussion of various physiologic subjects is included in the note on general references in the appendix. In the interest of brevity and clarity, I have in most instances omitted the names of the many investigators whose work made possible the view of physiology presented here. This omission is in no way intended to slight their contributions, but including their names and specific references to original papers would greatly increase the length of the book. In this twenty-first edition, as in previous editions, the entire book has been thoroughly revised, with a view to eliminating errors, incorporating suggestions of readers, updating concepts, and discarding material that is no longer relevant. In this way, the book has been kept concise while remaining as up-to-date and accurate as possible. The coverage of physiology related to obesity has been reorganized and expanded, with consideration of different aspects of this important subject in Chapters 14, 17, and 19. The availability of the complete structure of the human genome has permitted rapid expansion of knowledge about the genetic causes of disease, and physiologic aspects of this topic have been expanded. There is also more detailed consideration of circadian rhythms, intracellular regulation of insulin secretion, vascular smooth muscle, the Na+-K+-2Cl- cotransporter, and the control of exercise tolerance. New information has been added on dyslexia, PPARs, ghrelin, and adipokines. The self-study section has been updated, and more emphasis has been placed on physiology in relation to disease, in keeping with the current trend in the United States Medical Licensing Examinations (USMLE). I am greatly indebted to the many individuals who helped with the preparation of this book. Those who were especially helpful in the preparation of the twenty-first edition include Drs. Stephen McPhee, Roger Nicoll, and Narayan Rao. Andrea Chase provided invaluable secretarial assistance, and, as always, my wife made important contributions. Jim Ransom, who edited the first edition of this book 40 years ago, came back again and did an excellent job of editing this edition. Many associates and friends provided unpublished illustrative materials, and numerous authors and publishers generously granted permission to reproduce illustrations from other books and journals. I also thank all the students and others who took the time to write to me offering helpful criticisms and suggestions. Such comments are always welcome, and I solicit additional corrections and criticisms, which may be addressed to me at Department of Physiology University of California San Francisco, CA 94143-0444 USA Since this book was first published in 1963, the following translations have been published: Bulgarian, Chinese (two independent translations), Czech (two editions), French (two independent translations), German (four editions), Greek (two editions), Hungarian, Indonesian (three editions), Italian (nine editions), Japanese (seventeen editions), Korean, Malaysian, Polish (two editions), Portuguese (seven editions), Serbo-Croatian, Spanish (eighteen editions), Turkish (two editions), and Ukranian. Various foreign English language editions have been published, and the book has been recorded in English on tape for use by the blind. The tape recording is available from Recording for the Blind, Inc., 20 Rozsel Road, Princeton, NJ 08540 USA. For computer users, the book is now available, along with several other titles in the Lange Medical Books series, in STAT!Ref, a searchable Electronic Medical Library (http://www.statref.com), from Teton Data Systems, P.O. Box 4798, Jackson, WY 83001 USA. More information about this and other Lange and McGraw-Hill books, including addresses of the publisher's international offices, is available on McGraw-Hill's web site, http://www.accessmedbooks.com. William F. Ganong, MD San Francisco March 2003

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