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Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, 11th Edition
: Goodman & Gilman
: Pharmacological Therapeutics
: McGraw-Hill
: 2007
Call Number
: ebook24
Ringkasan :
The first edition of Goodman and Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics was published in 1941, nearly 65 years ago. Not only has medicine dramatically changed since then, but so too has the delivery of information. Electronic computers did not exist in 1941, much less the Internet. Our ability to access, at a moment's notice, vast amounts of information virtually anywhere in the world is both a great opportunity and a significant challenge for today's educators, students, and health care professionals. How does one sort through all of the Internet-accessible information on a drug or class of drugs to determine what is most important to teach, learn, or apply in clinical practice? It is also a time of opportunity and challenge for today's medical textbook publishers. How best can a publisher provide electronic delivery of useful information and resources to complement the authoritative information content in a conventionally printed textbook? What kinds of electronic resources will best enhance the teaching, learning, and practice of contemporary pharmacology? The editors of the on-line version of 11th edition of Goodman & Gilman are excited to be at the forefront of publishing technology in a project to enhance the premier text in pharmacology and bring it to your desktop. The ability to deliver information over the Internet offers numerous ways to bring a variety of important features to Goodman and Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics. Although our ambitious visions of delivering many forms of interactive multimedia enhancements are tempered by the reality of the time and resources required to develop and maintain such capabilities, we have already begun to assemble several forms of on-line resources that will be incrementally added to Goodman and Gilman On-line over the next few months. The introduction of these on-line resources will be guided by two complementary priorities. One of our priorities in developing and maintaining Goodman and Gilman On-line will be to continually update content by providing monthly updates, particularly in areas of pharmacology and therapeutics where significant advances in basic or clinical research have occurred since publication of the printed version. Our second major priority is to provide faculty and students with high-quality electronic resources to enhance teaching and learning of pharmacology. We are currently working

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