Handbook of
Policy and
: JACK RABIN and T. Aaron Wachhaus, Jr.
: Taylor & Francis Group
Ringkasan :The past three decades have brought sweeping changes to the i eld of transportation.
In the United States and other developed nations, deregulation and greater reliance on
markets and the private sector has helped to reconi gure the transport industries. The
rise of intermodal goods movements and global commerce has produced efi ciencies
of operation and a greater interdependence among transport modes. The fundamental
importance of transportation in the modern society has been examined by rigorous
analysis from a variety of disciplines: engineering, economics, geography, political
science, information science, and sociology. Tradeoffs between competing values such
as mobility, safety, efi ciency, equity, conservation, aesthetics, and historic preservation
have helped to heighten our understanding of the critical position transportation—and
policies and management guiding transportation—plays in contemporary life. In the
post-September 11 era, transportation security issues have moved to center stage as we
grapple with the challenge of protecting our vast transportation system while maintaining
its operational efi ciencies and effectiveness.
The Handbook of Transportation Policy and Administration represents an effort
to bring together under one cover the work of a number of leading experts in the
emerging and interdisciplinary i eld we call “transportation studies.” It is by no means
complete—that would require a multi-volume treatment. However, it is intended to
provide professionals in the i eld of transportation, students, scholars, public ofi cials,
and informed citizens knowledge of the basic organization of the transportation i eld,
the policies guiding its operations and development, case examples of transportation
planning, operations and management, connections between the transportation system
and other policy arenas, and a picture of how transportation modes and systems are
changing under the pressure to remain safe and secure under new types of threats.
The volume has been developed under what might be called an “open-ended”
approach. The various authors were not expected to test any particular thesis or vision
of transportation, but rather to contribute their best thinking on major aspects of transportation
policy and administration. The Handbook takes no stand on the contentious
issues that often arise in discussions of transportation: which mode of transport should
be preferred, should the public or private sector take the lead in making fundamental
decisions or running transportation operations, or what discipline holds the key to
understanding transportation issues. The reader is provided a broad range of insights,
beginning with overviews of many of the major transportation modes and moving
through discussions of transportation policy and transportation management to the i nal
section on transportation security. Authors include practitioners, current and former,
as well as scholars and policy analysts. The focus is primarily on the United States
and almost entirely on transportation in the developed world: a weakness, no doubt,
and one that we hope will be corrected in a future examination of transportation in
other settings.
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