Good Governance in the Era of
Global Neoliberalism
Conflict and depolitisation in Latin America, Eastern
Europe, Asia and Africa
: Jolle Demmers, and Alex E.Fernández Jilberto
and Barbara Hogenboom
: Good governance and democracy in a world of neoliberal regimes,
Global Neoliberalism
: Routledge 11 New Fetter Lane,
Ringkasan :At the dawn of the twenty-first century world politics is (once again) framed in terms of
Good and Evil. The Forces of Freedom are fighting the Axes of Evil, while Civilization
and Enlightenment are placed opposite Fundamentalism, Darkness and Barbarism.
As is often the case, these words hide complex and ambiguous realities. The recipe for
‘freedom’, for instance, as proclaimed by Western powers and International Financial
Institutions (IFIs) based on globalisation and market deregulation, is often seen as
‘market fundamentalism’ by developing countries. This is perhaps the greatest paradox of
our times: the implementation of liberalism by force.
This volume deals with the complexities and paradoxes surrounding one of the
‘Goods’ in contemporary development discourse: Good Governance. During the 1990s,
the IFIs refashioned their somewhat worn-out discourse on the salutary effects of the free
market by a strong emphasis on poverty reduction, transparent governance, human rights
and democracy. Put under one heading, this new discourse was called Good Governance.
And indeed, it seemed to proclaim only ‘the good’. It aimed to help countries reach
economic prosperity, ensure the rule of law, improve the efficiency and accountability of
their public sectors and tackle corruption. Good Governance was to confront the Bad
Governance of many developing countries’ administrations. It was this Bad Governance
that was held responsible for the disappointing results of the structural adjustment
programmes of the 1980s and the rise of the parallel economy, poverty and income
disparities in recently ‘neoliberalised’ countries.
However, this book tells a different story. By making use of a wide variety of casestudies
from various developing countries and post-communist states, this edited
collection critically analyses the causes and effects of neoliberal restructuring and the
policy of Good Governance that went with it. It shows how, in the encounter with
national and local contexts, the recipe of Good Governance produced unexpected and
often unwanted outcomes. The Good Governance approach entails an essentially
depoliticised notion of governance, insulating governance from the actual political
process: the struggles for power, control over resources, as well as access to the decisionmaking
process. Apart from many differences and specificities, the case studies in this
book show how the neoliberal recipe encouraged new forms of division, inequality and
instability. In addition, the book unmasks the Good Governance solution embraced by the
IFIs and many donor countries and lays bare its essentially neoliberal agenda.
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