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Euthanasia and Law in the Netherlands
: John Griffiths and Alex Bood dan Heleen Weyers
: euthanasia medical practices, legal regulation, Institutions for health care and care of the elderly, Health-care professionals, law in statu nascendi
: Amsterdam University Press
: 2014
Call Number
: ebook 261
Ringkasan :
This book is about euthanasia and other medical practices that shorten life, and about their legal regulation. The Netherlands is the setting, but it is not the subject. Nevertheless, in interpreting the information and arguments to be presented in the coming chapters, it is necessary to know something about the local context. We try to provide a thumbnail sketch here that goes beyond the relaxed Dutch approach to sex and drugs, or the story of the little boy who put his finger in the dike. We make no pretention to thoroughness or depth. The Netherlands is a small, flat country of some 16 million inhabitants, one of the most densely populated in the world. It emerged as an independent country in the seventeenth century after a struggle of some 80 years against the authority of the Spanish crown, and with brief interludes in the Napoleonic period and the Second World War, it has been independent ever since. The independence struggle began as one to preserve traditional privileges, especial1y that of freedom from additional taxation. The opposition gained force when joined by that part of the population (led by Calvinists) which sought reform of the Church. In 1648 the Spaniards finally accepted the independence of the Netherlands, which for a century and a half thereafter was a Republic. Despite the intermittent warfare, it was in the seventeenth century that the rebellious provinces enjoyed their economic and cultural 'Golden Age:The Republic was the financial, trading and transport center of the world. Conquests in Asia, Africa and America made of the Netherlands one of the major colonial powers. Men such as Rembrandt van Rijn, Prans Hals, Baruch de Spinoza, Hugo de Groot (Grotius) and Constantijn Huygens made the Republic preeminent in the arts and sciences. Foreign visitors such as Descartes and Locke were attracted to the Netherlands by the abundance of libraries and of publishers, and the intellectual and religious freedom of Dutch life

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