Gang Life in Two Cities
: Robert J. Durán
: gangs, Emergence of Gangs, Criminals
: Columbia University Press
Ringkasan :Getting jumped into a gang was not an expected outcome for my life. I
was living in Ogden, and if you asked any of the gang experts around the
country they would have limited information available to comprehend
gang activity in the state of Utah. This was not Boston, Chicago, Los
Angeles, or New York; it was a conservative and highly religious state
where everything was perceived as better than the ghetto neighborhoods
that existed across the country. My homies and I were going through
struggles that appeared to have no relevance to most people. We were
not going to college. We were headed to the penitentiary. Some of us
were headed to the cemetery. Gang members were portrayed as demons
on the nightly news and in the local newspaper. Many individuals simply
considered us as “wannabees” because the perception was that gangs
existed in other places, but defi nitely not in Utah. If anything, being seen
as mediocre made us represent the gang more strongly and attempt to
prove by our behavior that this lifestyle was real.
When individual gang members from Los Angeles or Chicago moved
to Ogden, the local gangs challenged them to join a local gang or face
immediate opposition. Many out-of-town gangsters chose to join local
gangs, but some were able to remain separate. Several members of a
well-known Los Angeles gang were able to resist and recruit local residents
into their gang. The growth of this gang and its determination to
establish a local presence developed into the largest gang feud in the city.
Gangs in Ogden have been periodically fi ghting since the early 1980s;
however, since the early 1990s reoccurring homicides and an increased
number of shootings have reminded those involved with gangs that this
lifestyle brought real consequences.
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