Human Trafficking Around the World
: Human traffi cking, POVERTY, law
: Columbia University Press
Ringkasan :We have all seen fi lms that portray the dark and lurid world of human
traffi cking, depictions that seem sensationalized and exaggerated for
cinematic effect. The victims are usually young women forced into an
underground sex-traffi cking ring, kept on a permanent drug high, and
forced to prostitute. Although the plot is horrifying, it is just a story to
us— or perhaps it is something that happens in some other part of the
world but surely would never occur where we live. Yet the reality is that
wherever we may live, regardless of city or nation, some form of human
traffi cking exists. As of 2005 this global phenomenon reaped an annual
worldwide profi t of $44.3 billion and affected more than 12.3 million
persons. The International Labour Or ga ni za tion (ILO) estimated that 43
percent of victims were traffi cked for commercial sexual exploitation, 32
percent were traffi cked for forced labor, and the remaining 25 percent
were traffi cked for a mixture of both or for undetermined reasons (Belser,
2005, p. 4; ILO, 2006). We believed the percentage of forced labor to be
higher, and recent ILO global estimates concur. The International Labour
Or ga ni za tion now estimates that 20.9 million are victims of forced labor.
Within that number it is estimated that 14.2 million people (68 percent)
are victims of forced labor exploitation and 4.5 million (22 percent) are
victims of forced sexual exploitation. The remainder of victims— 2.2
million (10 percent)— are in state- imposed forms of forced labor such as
that imposed by rebel armed forces, state militaries, and prisons with
conditions that confl ict with ILO standards (ILO, 2012, p. 13)
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