Implementing a Resource-Based Relative Value Scale Fee Schedule for Physician Services
: Barbara O. Wynn and Hangsheng Liu, Andrew Mulcahy, Edward N. Okeke, Neema
Iyer, and Lawrence S. Painter
: law, health science
: RAND Corporation
Ringkasan :California Senate Bill 863 requires that the administrative director (AD) of the Division of
Workers’ Compensation implement a resource-based relative value scale (RBRVS) fee schedule
to establish maximum allowable amounts for physician and other practitioner services under the
California workers’ compensation system. The Department of Industrial Relations asked the
RAND Corporation to provide technical assistance in implementing the fee schedule. This report
replaces earlier working papers.1 It models the transition policies and impact of implementing the
RBRVS fee schedule according to the policies in the AD’s notice of modification to text of
proposed regulations (first 15-day comment period) issued on August 2, 2013. The report should
be of interest to the California provider and payer communities and to policymakers in California
and in other states that are considering implementing a resource-based physician fee schedule for
medical services provided to injured workers.
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