Model Immigrants and Undesirable Aliens
: Christina Gerken
: United States—Emigration and immigration—Government policy, Emigration and immigration—Political asepcts—History—20th century, Immigrants—Government policy—United States—History—20th century, Emigration and immigration law—, Immigration enforcement,Politics and government
: University of Minnesota Press
Ringkasan :Congressional debates from the mid- s suggest that the U.S. immigration
system had reached a point of crisis. According to the dominant
political rhetoric, immigration laws failed to protect U.S. citizens from
an overwhelming infl ux of undesirable immigrants who, unlike previous
generations of newcomers, were reluctant to blend in with the majority
culture and contribute to the economy. Politicians frequently referred to
this seemingly unprecedented crisis in their calls for immediate and drastic
immigration reform measures. For example, when Senator Richard
Shelby (R- AL) spoke in favor of the Immigration Control and Financial
Responsibility Act of (S. ), he argued that immigrants “put a
crippling strain on the American education system” and placed a burden
on taxpayers by committing crimes, displacing U.S. workers, and
using public welfare services, including emergency medical care (United
States Congress, Senate, April , ). In a carefully worded remark
(interspersed with proclamations that he was neither anti- immigrant nor
racist), Senator Shelby also contended that current immigrants were less
desirable because they were culturally and ethnically diff erent from “our
domestic population” and were thus slower to assimilate, especially in a
society where “multiculturalism is favored over the ‘melting pot’ concept”
(United States Congress, Senate, April , ).
Over time, many have pushed to reduce overall admissions and reform
admission criteria because of the changing cultural and ethnic heritage of
immigrants; this idea is far from original. In the late nineteenth century,
the New York Times expressed a similar concern over the increasing number
of Eastern and Southeastern European immigrants. In an article from
, the New York Times argued that past generations of Northwestern
European immigrants “were readily assimilated and made good citizens.”
However, with a new wave of immigrants, “new and unclean fountains burst
in the east and southeast, the swelling streams pouring in a people wholly diff erent in race, character, traditions, purpose and social life” (“Immigration
Problems,” Th e New York Times, November , ). In the s, in
an eff ort to justify the passage of a national quota law, politicians warned
of the potentially disastrous eff ects of turning America into a “conglomeration
of racial groups each advocating a diff erent set of ideas and ideals
according to their bringing up” (James Davis, “One Hundred Years of
Immigration,” Th e New York Times, February , ). But despite obvious
similarities, Senator Shelby’s comments are also fundamentally diff erent
from his predecessors’ concerns. Not only is Shelby careful to refrain from
using openly racist language by focusing on the damaging eff ects of multiculturalism
instead of race/ethnicity itself, but he expresses his views on
the racial/ethnic makeup of the immigrant population as part of a much
larger concern about the economic and social consequences of large- scale
Th is book argues that the immigration reform discourse of the mid-
s represents a new way of thinking and talking about immigration.
In particular, later chapters discuss the productive tension between Congress’s
pronounced eff ort to discuss immigration reform as an economic
issue and the underlying anxieties about immigrants’ race, class, gender,
and sexuality. As part of a larger neoliberal reform process in the mid-
s, politicians linked proposals to develop a nationwide system to
identify “legal” and “illegal” immigrants with welfare legislation, measures
that were supposed to prevent/fi ght terrorism, encourage economic security,
and provisions concerning marriage/family structure. Within this
larger reform discourse, immigrants were repeatedly cited as one of the
principal causes of the nation’s high poverty rate, the increasing costs of
social welfare, a decline in traditional values, and the need to pass ever
more invasive and restrictive immigration and welfare reform measures.
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