Improving Inventory Management of Organizational and Individual Equipment at
Central Issue Facilities
: Carol E. Fan and Elvira N. Loredo
: Improving Inventory Management of Organizational
: RAND Corporation
Ringkasan :More than 90 Central Issue Facilities (CIFs) located at major installations around the world
issue Organizational Clothing and Individual Equipment (OCIE) to Active Component soldiers
and deploying National Guard and Army Reserve soldiers. The value of OCIE inventory held at
CIFs in the continental United States (CONUS) increased by 33 percent between January 2007
and August 2010. The Army does not have a standard, data-driven approach for CIF inventory
management. Likely as a result, there has been a perception that many CIFs have significantly
more inventory than required to meet soldier needs. Army logistics leaders asked RAND to help
the Army improve OCIE inventory management while maintaining high levels of soldier
This report addressed our twofold recommendations for improving the efficiency of
inventory management at the CIFs: (1) use a data-driven approach to help CIF managers make
replenishment decisions and (2) increase the use of existing inventory through lateral transfers.
The report also includes appendixes designed specifically for readers with a detailed knowledge
of and experience in CIF inventory management. The appendixes provide an in-depth description
of the CIF inventory levels–setting process, including which items to order, when to order, and
how much to order. They also describe the CIF retention levels–setting process and address how
to identify materiel that is available for lateral transfer. CIF inventory management personnel
will find this report useful for gaining more detailed knowledge of the input files and how the
RAND-developed algorithms work, allowing those who participate in setting CIF inventory
levels and coordinating lateral transfers to understand the underlying methods used to set
inventory levels.
This project was sponsored by the Deputy Chief of Staff, G-4, U.S. Army Materiel
Command. The research was conducted in RAND Arroyo Center’s Military Logistics Program.
RAND Arroyo Center, part of the RAND Corporation, is the United States Army’s federally
funded research and development center (FFRDC) for policy studies and analyses.
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