The Fallacies of States' Rights
: Federal government— United States, States’ rights (American politics),United States— Politics and government— Philosophy
: Harvard University Press
Ringkasan :The states’ rights debate is America’s oldest constitutional debate. Every
issue in the campaign to ratify the Constitution was connected to the
question of the future of the states in the proposed federal union. Re sis tance
to national power in the name of states’ rights brought the nation close to
civil war on two occasions before fi ring started on Fort Sumter in 1861. Fearing
that the Civil War Amendments to the Constitution would “fetter and
degrade the State governments,” the Supreme Court nullifi ed all but the
amendments’ minimal promise for generations after the war. The scope of
national power relative to the states was a major part of the confl icts of the
Progressive Era and the New Deal. Expressing concern for the states’ traditional
control of the public schools, the Supreme Court abandoned the
promise of equal educational opportunity less than two de cades after the
desegregation decision in 1954. Claims of “states’ rights” have played an
important role in opposition to the Court’s decisions on school prayer, the
treatment of criminal defendants, abortion, and gay rights. “States’ rights”
was a battle cry of the strategy that transformed the Republican Party from
the party of Lincoln to the party of Reagan. A dramatic if limited return to
states’ rights was the signature achievement of the Rehnquist Court. At this
writing states’ rights is the battle cry against the Patient Protection and
Affordable Care Act of 2010 (“Obamacare”). And though it has no real connection
to states’ rights, something called “competitive federalism” is part of
the present campaign of corporate forces to deregulate the nation’s economic
Yet in most of these cases observers could wonder whether states’ rights
was the most important issue. Did Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton
disagree mostly over states rights or over the merits of an urbanindustrial
order? Was the Civil War fought for states’ rights or for slavery?Do pro- life forces oppose Roe v. Wade for taking an issue from the states or
for legalizing abortion? Are opponents of the federal minimum wage indifferent
to state minimum wages? Would critics of “Obamacare” remain silent
if the states enacted similar mea sures? Behind these questions is a
larger question of whether anything general can be said about what is really
at stake in the federalism debate. If there is a bigger issue behind the
federalism debate, what might it be? And if the federalism debate is a mask
or a proxy for other issues, is anyone really interested in federalism or states’
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