Return from the Natives
: Culture Cracking for War: I, Among the Natives of Great Britain, international relations
: Yale University Press
Ringkasan :The journey out is also a journey home. When, at the end of the
nineteenth century, the first modern anthropological fieldworkers went
out in search of ‘primitive’ peoples in the South Pacific and in the remoter
parts of North America, they were not only looking for people different
from themselves, they were looking for themselves as well. The common
view then was the social-evolutionary
one, that the varieties of humanity
were arrayed along the rungs of a ladder of civilization, with ‘primitive’
peoples at the bottom and modern Western peoples at or near the top –
but it was a ladder that peoples might travel along, some more slowly than
others. The study of ‘primitive’ peoples could therefore be a study of one’s
own ancestors, and perhaps not so very distant ones, either.
Some of these early fieldworkers developed such a sympathy for the
‘primitive’ peoples among whom they lived that they began to doubt
whether the ladder of civilization was really so long, or indeed whether it
existed at all. And when the Great War dealt a series of stunning blows to
the ideals of ‘civilization’ – those who witnessed mechanized slaughter in
the fields of Flanders found it hard to feel superior to anyone, and the
appeal of ‘primitive’ simplicity (always an undercurrent in Western culture
anyway) was vastly enhanced – the anthropological enterprise changed
dramatically. The ladder of civilization crashed down and appeared to
come to rest on its side; the array of cultures now presented itself not vertically
but horizontally. Peoples were still very different, but no longer stood
in any obvious hierarchy. The idea of ‘cultural relativism’ blossomed. In
this new relation, ‘primitive’ cultures in some ways seemed more different
from so-called
‘civilized’ ones: they were no longer the ancestors, just
people who did things differently. This relation also offered new ways to
compare cultures. ‘Civilization’ was no longer the norm. If ‘they’ do things
differently, how does that make us look? Or, more powerfully, if ‘they’ do
things differently – and we are no longer so obviously superior to them, so
obviously the future of the past – what might we learn from them?
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