America's Forgotten Constitutions
: Constitutional history—United States, United States—Politics and
government, United States—History—Autonomy and independence
: Harvard University Press
Ringkasan :This book was conceived on the day I stumbled upon a copy of John
Brown’s Provisional Constitution and Ordinances for the People of
the United States. Eagerly, I pored over its contents, wondering why the
abolitionist’s imagined community had not gained the same amount
of attention as his armed assault on Harpers Ferry. The deeper I delved,
the more I realized that the instrument represented the latest in the
man’s body of writings having po liti cal and legal signifi cance: letters,
op- eds, or gan i za tion al bylaws, a declaration of in de pen dence, and then,
fi nally, a proposal for a republican form of government. That discovery
led me to wonder what other groups of Americans authored constitutions
to rule themselves. The documents I collected revealed a great deal
about not only substantive disagreements over law and policy but
also ordinary people’s divergent perceptions of po liti cal community
and the constitutional pro cess. After investigation and culling, I was
left with eight experiments from generative periods in American history.
What they tell us about the po liti cal tradition— its tensions, competing
forms, and suppressed ideas— became the driving inquiry for
this book.
Special thanks to librarians and archivists at the Center for Icarian
Studies at Western Illinois University, Moorland- Spingarn Research
Center Manuscript Division at Howard University, New Hampshire
Historical Society, University of Chicago, and University of Nebraska.Billie Jo Kaufman, William Ryan, and the library staff at American
University provided invaluable assistance in tracking down primary
and secondary materials. The Boston College Law Review offered an
early venue to explore John Brown’s constitutional theories.
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