Reflections on Judging
: Judicial process, Appellate procedure,law
: Harvard University Press
Ringkasan :My subject is the challenges that the federal courts face today, with
particular emphasis on rising complexity.
My approach is personal, in the
sense of drawing heavily on my own experience as a judge. It is also realistic,
in the sense of rejecting formalist approaches to law. Those are approaches
on a belief that all legal issues can be resolved by logic,
text, or precedent, without a judge ’s personality, values, ideological leanings,
background and culture, or real-world
experience playing any role.
The realist tradition in judging is the tradition shaped by such outstanding
judges as John Marshall, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Louis Brandeis, Benjamin
Cardozo, Robert Jackson, Learned Hand, Roger Traynor, and Henry
Friendly. It is distinct from, though it overlaps, the “legal realist” movement
of the 1920s and 1930s, which petered out, though not without leaving a mark.1 I need to say more about formalism and realism, which provide
a contrast fundamental to this book, and will do so shortly.
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