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African Politics in Comparative Perspective
: Goran Hyden
: 306 hlm
: politik afrika komparatif politik governance
: Cambridge University Press - New York
: 2006
Call Number
: 320.96 Hyd a
Ringkasan :
This 2006 book reviews fifty years of research on politics in Africa. It synthesizes insights from different scholarly approaches and offers an interpretation of the knowledge accumulated over the years. It discusses how research on African politics relates to the study of politics in other regions. It focuses on such key issues as the legacy of a movement approach to political change, the nature of the state, the economy of a location, the policy deficit, the agrarian question, gender and politics and ethnicity and conflict. It ends by reviewing what scholars agree upon and what the accumulated knowledge offers as insights for more effective political and policy reforms. This book is for undergraduate and graduate courses in African and Comparative Politics as well as development-oriented courses in Political Science and related disciplines. It is also of great relevance to governance and development analysts and practitioners in international organizations.

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No. Barcode Lokasi No. Rak Ketersediaan
1 00145636 Perpustakaan Pusat 300 Tersedia
2 00145637 Perpustakaan Pusat 300 Tersedia
3 00145638 Perpustakaan Pusat 300 Tersedia
4 00145639 Perpustakaan Pusat 300 Tersedia
5 00145640 Perpustakaan Pusat 300 Tersedia
6 00145641 Perpustakaan Pusat 300 Tersedia
7 00145642 Perpustakaan Pusat 300 Tersedia
8 00145643 Perpustakaan Pusat 300 Tersedia


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