Outlining the morphological characteristics of acceptable occlusion
: Svedstro¨m-Oristo A-L, Pietila¨ T, Pietila¨ I, Alanen P, Varrela J
: Blackwell Synergy
Ringkasan :The aim of this study was to outline the definitions of a
morphologically acceptable occlusion in young adults that could be applied to
assess the outcome and effectiveness of orthodontic treatment. The opinions of
Finnish orthodontists and general practitioners were investigated for this purpose.
Methods: A semi-structured questionnaire was sent to all health centres where at
least one orthodontist was employed (n½37), to health centres without any orthodontist
(n½31), to private orthodontists working as consultants (n½12) and to
orthodontists working at university dental clinics (n½13). The criteria for moderate
and little orthodontic treatment need in the Need of Orthodontic Treatment Index
(NOTI) and the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN) were chosen to describe
the basic characteristics of occlusal acceptability.
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