Dental fluorosis decline after changes to supplement and toothpaste regimens
: Blackwell Synergy
Ringkasan :In 1989/90, in 659 12-year-olds in Perth (F 0.8mg/L) and the Bunbury
region of Western Australia (WA) (F ,0.25mg/L), dental fluorosis prevalences
were 40.2% and 33.0%. Fluoride supplements (OR 4.63) and extended residence
in a fluoridated area (OR 4.06) were significant risk factors; toothpaste ingestion
variables had ORs greater than unity; in 1990, DMFT for this age group was 0.84.
School Dental Service took steps to discourage supplement and toothpaste
ingestion and to promote low fluoride toothpaste for children , 6years of age.
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