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Efficacy of two alcohol-free cetylpyridinium chloride mouthwashes – a randomized double-blind crossover study
: Andrew Rawlinson
: 3
: Blackwell Synergy
: 2008
Call Number
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Aim: (1) To determine the plaque inhibition properties of two formulations of alcohol-free mouthwash [0.1% w/w cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC) (B) and 0.05% w/w CPC (A)] versus a placebo mouthwash (C). (2) To compare the plaque-inhibiting activity between these two new CPC mouthwashes. Material and Methods: A double-blind, crossover study with three 1-week periods was used. Subjects were randomly assigned to one of the following groups. Group 1 (n510) received the mouthwashes A, C and B in the periods 1, 2 and 3, respectively, group 2 (n511) received the mouthwashes in the order B, A, C, while group 3 (n511) received the mouthwashes in the order C, B, A. Mean plaque areas and Quigley & Hein plaque index scores were analysed using ANOVA (analysis of variance). Measurements were made at the start of each period (baseline) and at 16, 24 and 40 h. Results: Mean plaque scores were similar across the groups at baseline. At all time points thereafter, volunteers using mouthwash A or B had significantly lower plaque areas and plaque index scores than those using mouthwash C (po0.05), but there were no significant differences between the test formulations. At 16 h, the reduction in plaque area relative to mouthwash C was 22% for mouthwash A and 18% for mouthwash B; at 24 h, 11% for mouthwash A and 15% for mouthwash B; and at 40 h, 15% for mouthwash A and 16% for mouthwash B. Conclusions: The use of both CPC mouthwashes resulted in less plaque accumulation compared with the control. There was no statistically significant difference in plaque accumulation between the two CPC mouthwashes.

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