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Comparison between two surgical techniques for root coverage with an acellular dermal matrix graft
: Patrı´cia F. Andrade,
: 3
: Blackwell Synergy
: 2008
Call Number
Ringkasan :
Aim: The aim of this randomized, controlled, clinical study was to compare two surgical techniques with the acellular dermal matrix graft (ADMG) to evaluate which technique could provide better root coverage. Material and Methods: Fifteen patients with bilateral Miller Class I gingival recession areas were selected. In each patient, one recession area was randomly assigned to the control group, while the contra-lateral recession area was assigned to the test group. The ADMG was used in both groups. The control group was treated with a broader flap and vertical-releasing incisions, and the test group was treated with the proposed surgical technique, without releasing incisions. The clinical parameters evaluated before the surgeries and after 12 months were: gingival recession height, probing depth, relative clinical attachment level and the width and thickness of keratinized tissue. Results: There were no statistically significant differences between the groups for all parameters at baseline. After 12 months, there was a statistically significant reduction in recession height in both groups, and there was no statistically significant difference between the techniques with regard to root coverage. Conclusions: Both surgical techniques provided significant reduction in gingival recession height after 12 months, and similar results in relation to root coverage.

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