The 2001 CDC Recommendations for Using Fluoride to Prevent and Control Dental Caries in the United States
: Herschel S. Horowitz, DDS, MPH
: Blackwell Synergy
Ringkasan :The Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) published â€ÂRecommenda
tions for Using Fluoride to Prevent
and Control Dental Caries in the
United States†in August 2001 (1). At
its 2002 annual meeting in San Diego,
the Section on Community and Preventive
Dentistry of the American
Dental Education Association sponsored
a session, “New Fluoride Recommendations:
Is There Adequate
Evidence?†At that session, I was
asked to analyze the evidence for and
against the recommendations following
an overview of them by Dr. Scott
Presson of CDC. My presentation was
excerpted from the commentary that
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