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Clinical models that objectively evaluate interproximal plaque based on total protein concentration
: N. Milanovich
: 6
: Blackwell Synergy
: 2007
Call Number
Ringkasan :
Aim: To establish clinical models that accurately and objectively assess the levels of interproximal plaque (IPP) by measuring the total protein concentration. Material and Methods: The multiple treatment (MTM) and single-treatment models (STM) were designed as randomized, double-blinded, crossover studies whereby IPP was collected using floss. The total protein concentration in the plaque was then measured using a fluorescence microplate assay. To demonstrate sensitivity, the levels of residual IPP were compared for two distinctly different plaque removal routines: brushing versus brushing1flossing. Results: Eighteen subjects completed the study for the MTM, while 16 participants completed the study for the STM. The results showed that both models were able to distinguish between treatments. Moreover, fundamental profiles were established that describe the mean changes in the IPP concentration over time and by treatment. Finally, a comparison between our results and a direct measure of IPP, i.e., plaque weight, demonstrated the potential of using protein as a quantitative means to assess IPP levels. Conclusion: The MTM and STM provide an objective, quantitative assessment of IPP based on the total protein concentration in plaque.

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