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The plaque and gingivitis reducing effect of a chlorhexidine and aluminium lactate containing dentifrice (Lacalut aktivs) over a period of 6 months
: F. Rathe
: 8
: Blackwell Synergy
: 2007
Call Number
Ringkasan :
Aim: The aim of the study was to determine the plaque and gingivitis reducing effect of a dentifrice containing chlorhexidine and aluminium lactate compared with a control toothpaste during the course of 6 months. Material and Methods: This randomized, double-blind study looked prospectively at participants over a 6-month period. Plaque, gingivitis, calculus formation and tooth staining were assessed in 59 participants, who were divided into parallel groups. The participants used either a chlorhexidine and aluminium lactate-containing toothpaste (test group) or a minus active control toothpaste (control group). Parameters were assessed at baseline and again after 1, 3 and 6 months. Results: After 6 months of product use, both groups had less gingivitis compared with the baseline evaluation (po0.001). At this time point, the test group showed a statistically significant lower gingival index values compared with the control group (p50.001). No statistically significant differences between either the groups or time points were detected with regard to plaque index and the development of calculus and staining. Conclusion: Although there was a statistically significant difference at 6 months between test and control groups, this difference was too small to be considered clinically meaningful.

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