Soft tissue myxoma: report of an unusual case located on the gingiva
: Vittoria Perrotti
: Blackwell Synergy
Ringkasan :Background: Soft tissue myxoma of the oral cavity is rare. Only three cases of
myxoma of gingiva have been reported in the literature. We present a case of soft
tissue myxoma arising from the left maxillary adherent gingiva in a 42-year-old female
Methods: Histological examination showed spindle-shaped cells in a myxoid stroma.
Immunohistochemical stains with S-100 protein were negative, while those with
vimentin were positive.
Results: Clinical examination revealed a soft tissue mass, with tense elastic
consistency on palpation. The overlying mucosa was normal and healthy. A clinical
diagnosis of fibroma was given. Histological examination showed spindle-shaped and
stellate cells, arranged in a myxoid fibrous stroma, with collagen fibres distributed
uniformly. Scattered islands or strands of inactive odontogenic epithelium were
present. On the basis of the histological and immunohistochemical findings, the final
diagnosis was soft tissue myxoma.
Conclusions: Further studies are necessary to clarify the origin and histogenesis of
this lesion.
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