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Agents, Structures and International Relations : Politics as Ontology
: Wight Colin
: Steve Smith
: xii 340p 20cm 15cm
: International Relations, Ontology,
: Cambridge University Press - New york
: 2006
: 978-0-521-85752-9
Call Number
: 327.1 COL a
Summary :
he agent-structure problem is a much discussed issue in the field of international relations. In his comprehensive 2006 analysis of this problem, Colin Wight deconstructs the accounts of structure and agency embedded within differing IR theories and, on the basis of this analysis, explores the implications of ontology - the metaphysical study of existence and reality. Wight argues that there are many gaps in IR theory that can only be understood by focusing on the ontological differences that construct the theoretical landscape. By integrating the treatment of the agent-structure problem in IR theory with that in social theory, Wight makes a positive contribution to the problem as an issue of concern to the wider human sciences. At the most fundamental level politics is concerned with competing visions of how the world is and how it should be, thus politics is ontology.

Copies :
No. Barcode Location No. Shelf Availability
1 20135327 Perpustakaan Pasca Sarjana 327.1 Tersedia
2 02075682 Perpustakaan Prodi Hubungan Internasional H1 Tersedia
3 02075683 Perpustakaan Prodi Hubungan Internasional H1 Tersedia
4 00240992 Perpustakaan Pusat Tersedia
5 00241024 Perpustakaan Pusat Tersedia
6 02075681 Perpustakaan Pusat 327.1 Tersedia

