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Number of items : 60051
No Judul Tahun Penulis Penerbit
51851 Indeks Al-Qur'an 1984 Asyarie, Sukmadjaja Pustaka - Bandung
51852 Fungsi Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad 1984 Djoyosugito, Susmoyo GAI - Lahore
51853 Junior English Workbook 1984 Linguaphone Institute limited Linguaphone Institute limited - London
51854 Disain Baja Konstruksi ( Structural Steel Design ) : Kunci/Penyelesaian Soal-Soal 1984 BOWLES, Joseph E. Erlangga
51855 Pembinaan Pegawai Negeri Sipil 1984 Nainggolan Negara - Jakarta
51856 Secondary Research : Informasi Sources And Methods 1984 David W. Stewart Sage Publications
51857 Focus on Physical Science 1984 HEIMLER, Charles H. Menill - New York
51858 Pendahuluan teori kemungkinan dan statistika : Soal dan Jawaban 1984 SUMARGO, H ITB Bandung - Bandung
51859 Harraps Communication Games : a collection of games and activities for elementary students of English 1984 Jill Hadfield Nelson Harrap
51860 The nature of Mathematics 1984 SMITH, Karl J. Brooks/Cole Publishing Company - California
51861 Computational Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer 1984 ANDRESON, Dale A. Hemisphere Publishing Corporation - New York
51862 Applied Finite Element Analysis 1984 SEGERLIND, Larry J. John Wiley & Sons - New York
51863 Composite Materials Handbook 1984 SCHWARTZ, M. M McGraw Hill Book Company - New York
51864 Experimental Mechanics of Fiber Reinforced Composite Materials 1984 WHITNEY, James M. Prentice Hall - New Jersey
51865 Introduction To Combustion Phenomena Vol.2 1984 KANURY, Murty A. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers - New York
51866 Fikih Sunnah jilid 9 1984 Sabiq, Sayyid PT. Alma'arif - Bandung
51867 Khuthbah Jum'ah & 'Iedul Fithri 1984 Taufiq S, Abu BKM - Jawa tengah
51868 50 Mutiara Hikmah 1984 Mathory, H. Mukh. and Anwar, Saiful Nurul Ilmu - Jakarta
51869 Ramalan Dunia Islam jilid 1 1984 Soewarno, Moh. Hari Damar Wulan - Jakarta
51870 Agama Islam, Buku teks pendidikan agama islam pada perguruan tinggi umum 1984 Bulan Bintang - Jakarta
51871 Islam 1984 Rahman, Fazlur Pustaka - Bandung
51872 Small and Mini Hydropower systems 1984 FRITZ, Jack J McGraw Hill - New York
51873 Metering Pump Handbook 1984 MCCABE, Robert E Industrial Press - New York
51874 Chinese Language Instructional Materials for Secondary Schools 1984 Huang Shen Hui Educational Publications Bureal - Singapura
51875 Confusius : China's Most Honored Teacher 1984 Chen Shi Kui The Overseas Chinese Library - Taipei
51876 Teknik Listrik Motor & Generator Arus Bolak Ballik 1984 SURYATMO, F Alumni - Bandung
51877 Contoh Perhitungan Perencanaan Motor Disel 4 Langkah 1984 Daryanto Tarsito - Bandung
51878 Dak'wah islam dan missi kristen : sebuah dialog Internasional 1984 Ahmad, Khursid Risalah - Bandung
51879 Mechanism Design : Analysis and Synthesis Vol. I 1984 ERDMAN, Arthur G. Prentice Hall International - New Jersey
51880 Islam : Fazlur Rahman 1984 Rahman, Fazlur Pustaka - Bandung
51881 Introduction to Aircraft Performance, Selection and Design 1984 HALE, Francis J. John Wiley & Sons - New York
51882 Struktur Bahasa Jawa Kuna 1984 Mardiwarsito Komunitas Bambu - Depok
51883 Engineering Economy : Capital Allocation Theory 1984 FLEISCHER, G.A Brooks/Cole Engineering Divison - Monterey
51884 Etika Seksual dalam Islam 1984 MUTAHHARI, Morteza Perpustakaan Salma Institut Teknologi Bandung - Bandung
51885 Kedudukan wanita Indonesia dalam Hukum dan Masyarakat 1984 Soewondo, Nani Ghalia Indonesia - Jakarta
51886 Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 1984 Poerwokoesoemo, Soedarisman Gadjah Mada University Press - Yogyakarta
51887 Teladan Konsistensi Perjuangan 1984 Nasution CV. Ramadhani - Solo
51888 General Chemistry 1984 EBBING, Darell D. Houghton Miflin Company - Boston
51889 Konstruksi Baja 1 1984 DARMAWAN, Loa Wikarya Badan Penerbit PEkerjaan Umum - Jakarta
51890 Pengelolaan gulma di Perkebunan / R U S A K / R A Y A P 1984 Tjitrosoedirdjo Soekisman and Wiroatmodejo Joedojono PT Gramedia Jakarta - Bogor
51891 Democracies: Patterns of Majoritarian and Consensus Government in Twenty-One Countries 1984 LIJPHART, Arend Yale University Press - London
51892 Protective Coatings on Metals 1984 SAMSONOV, G. V. Amerind - New Delhi
51893 Basic Tig & Mic Welding 1984 GRIFFIN, IAN H DELMAR PUBLISHER - New York
51894 Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning 1984 CLIFFORD, George E Reston Publishing Company
51895 Power System Operation and Control 1984 MURTY, P S R Tata McGraw Hill Company - New Delhi
51896 Minhaj Jadid lidirosati At Tauhid 1984 Khaliq, 'Abdul Rohman Dar Al salafiyah
51897 Al Quraan dan Tafsirnya Jilid X 1984 Departemen Agama RI
51898 Al Quraan dan Tafsirnya Jilid I 1984 Departemen Agama RI
51899 Al Quraan dan Tafsirnya Jilid VII 1984 Departemen Agama RI
51900 Al Quraan dan Tafsirnya Jilid IX 1984 Departemen Agama RI

Number of items : 60051