17801 |
Pluralisme Agama : Perspektif Al-Quran
2009 |
Marasabessy, Abd. Rahman Ismail |
Pustaka Mapan |
17802 |
How International Relations Affect Civil Conflict
2009 |
Cheap Signals |
Lexington Books - London |
17803 |
Gender, Labour, War and Empire
2009 |
Philippa Levine |
Palgrave - macmillan |
17804 |
Introduction to Civil War
2009 |
Tiqqun |
Semiotext - series |
17805 |
Laporan Praktek Penyiksaan di Aceh Dan Papua Selama 1998 - 2007
2009 |
J. Budi Hermawan |
Imparsial - Indonesia |
17806 |
Algoritma Data Mining
2009 |
Kusrini and Emha Taufiq Luthfi |
ANDI Yogyakarta |
17807 |
Metode Statistik
2009 |
Yusuf Wibisono |
Gadjah Mada University Press |
17808 |
Change We Can Believe In
2009 |
Barack Obama |
Canongate - London |
17809 |
Global Security Engagement
2009 |
Nap |
The National Academics - Wasington |
17810 |
German Thought and International Relations
2009 |
Robbie Shilliam |
Palgrave - macmillan |
17811 |
Major Powers And The Quest For Status In International Politics
2009 |
Volgy. Thomas J. |
Palgrave - London |
17812 |
Global Justice
2009 |
Gillian Brock |
Oxford - New York |
17813 |
The Next 100 Years
2009 |
George Freidman |
Doubleday - New York |
17814 |
The Cosmopolitan Imagination
2009 |
Gerard Delanty |
Cambridge - London |
17815 |
Constitution of Malaysia text and commentary (third edition)
2009 |
Abdul Aziz Bari and Farid Sufian Shuaib |
Pearson - Malaysia |
17816 |
Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Buku 1
2009 |
Rama, Dasaratha V. and Jones, Frederick L. |
Jakarta - Jakarta |
17817 |
Cosmopolitan Communications
2009 |
Pippa Norris |
Cambridge - New York |
17818 |
The Politics Of Regional Integration In Latin America
2009 |
Olivier Dabene |
Palgrave - New York |
17819 |
The Large Dictionary Persian - English : New Impression
2009 |
Haim, S. |
Farhang Moaser Publisher - Iran |
17820 |
Ringkasan Tafsir As-Sa'di : Kemudahan Mamahami Ayat-Ayat Alquran
2009 |
Harits, Abu Muhammad Idral |
Pustaka Sumayyah - Pekalongan |
17821 |
Medicinal Natural Products: A Biosynthetic Approach
2009 |
Paul M. Dewick |
John Wiley & Sons - Sussex |
17822 |
Introduction to Islamic Capital Market
2009 |
Kruppiah, Phillip |
LexisNexis |
17823 |
Valuation of Securities
2009 |
Karuppiah, Phillip |
LexisNexis |
17824 |
Disney Pirates of the Caribbean : At world's end
2009 |
Pearson Education Limited - Edinburgh Gate, Harlow |
17825 |
2009 |
Janet Hardy - Gould |
Oxford University Press - Oxford |
17826 |
Gerakan Kepanduan Hizbul Wathan antara Harapan & Kenyataan, Cita-Cita & Kinerja, Misi & Partisipasi
2009 |
- Yogyakarta |
17827 |
Factfiles Titanic
2009 |
Tim Vicary |
Oxford University Press - Oxford |
17828 |
Muhammadiyah Sebagai Gerakan Seni dan Budaya: suatu warisan intelektual yang terlupakan
2009 |
Siti Chamamah Soeratno, et. al. |
Pustaka Pelajar - Yogyakarta |
17829 |
Climate Change
2009 |
Barnaby Newbolt |
Oxford - New York |
17830 |
Elemen-Elemen Mesin dalam Perancangan Mekanis : perancangan elemen mesin terpadu Buku 1
2009 |
Robert L. Mott |
ANDI - Yogyakarta |
17831 |
Playing with Fire : Stories from the Pasific Rim
2009 |
Jennifer Bassett |
Oxford University Press - Oxford |
17832 |
D-Day 6 Juni 1944 : Puncak pertempuran perang dunia II
2009 |
Stephen E. Ambrose |
Yayasan Obor Indonesia - Jakarta |
17833 |
A Passage to India
2009 |
OXFORD - New York |
17834 |
100 Pesan Nabi untuk Wanita
2009 |
Mizan - Bandung |
17835 |
Handbook of qualitative research
2009 |
Norman K. Denzin and Yvonna S. Lincoln |
Pustaka Pelajar - Yogyakarta |
17836 |
Ensiklopedia Kesehatan Wanita
2009 |
Sarah Jarvis |
Erlangga - Jakarta |
17837 |
Reformasi kedua : melanjutkan estafet reformasi
2009 |
Eko Prasojo |
Salemba Humanika - Jakarta |
17838 |
Start with why : how great leaders inspire everyone to take action
2009 |
Simon Sinek |
Business - USA |
17839 |
16 Hari Menaklukkan Tenses
2009 |
Diva Press - Jogjakarta |
17840 |
Model Matematika Teknik Pantai : Menggunakan Diferensi Hingga dan Metode Karakteristik
2009 |
Radianta Triatmadja |
Beta Offset - Yogyakarta |
17841 |
Hukum Adminitrasi Negara Dan Kebijakan Layanan Publik
2009 |
Juniarso Ridwan and Achman Sodik |
Nuansa Cendekia - Bandung |
17842 |
Death note vol. 2
2009 |
Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata; Alih bahasa, Frisian Yuniardi |
PT Gramedia - Jakarta |
17843 |
Death note vol. 4
2009 |
Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata; Alih bahasa, Frisian Yuniardi |
PT Gramedia - Jakarta |
17844 |
Death note vol. 11
2009 |
Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata; Alih bahasa, Frisian Yuniardi |
PT Gramedia - Jakarta |
17845 |
Go online : cara mudah dan seru belajar internet
2009 |
Valen, Shymily |
Gagas Media - Jakarta |
17846 |
Start with why : how great leaders inspire everyone to take action
2009 |
Sinek, Simon |
Penguin - London |
17847 |
Ensiklopedia keuangan publik : panduan mengelola keuangan, zakat, pajak, dll.
2009 |
Al-Qasim, Abu Ubaid and Setiawan Budi Utomo (penerjemah) |
Gema Insani - Jakarta |
17848 |
A-Z of Abdominal Radiology
2009 |
Gabriel Conder, John Rendle, Sarah Kidd, Rakesh R. Misra |
Cambridge University Press |
17849 |
Islamic Banking
2009 |
Aziz, Hassanuddeen Abdul |
IIUM Press - Malaysia |
17850 |
40 metode pendidikan pengaran rosulullah
2009 |
Abdul fatah Abu Ghuddah and Mochtar Zoerni (penerjemah) |
Irsyad Baitus Salam - Bandung |