18451 |
Peace in Internasional Relations
2008 |
RICHMOND, Oliver P. |
Routledge - London |
18452 |
Democracy And Democratization
2008 |
Westview - Philadephia |
18453 |
Undang-Undang RI Tentang Pornografi & Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik
2008 |
Pustaka Mahardika |
18454 |
Cornerstones Of Managerial Accounting
2008 |
Mowen,Maryanne M |
Thomson - Thomson |
18455 |
American Foreign Policy
2008 |
WITTKOPT, Eugene R. |
Thomson - Singapolre |
18456 |
Fault Lines: Why the Republicans Lost Congress
2008 |
MONDAK, Jeffery J. |
Routledge - New York |
18457 |
Penal Code
2008 |
MDC Publishers - Kuala Lumpur |
18458 |
International Legal Research
2008 |
Hoffman, Marci B and Berring, Robert C |
Thomson West - St. Paul |
18459 |
Teori-Teori Ekonomi Politik
2008 |
Caporaso, James A and Levine, David P |
Pustaka Pelajar - Yogyakarta |
18460 |
Global Business Power Plays: How the Masters of International Enterprise Reach the Top of Their game
2008 |
McGraw-Hill |
18461 |
Accounting for Dummies
2008 |
Tracy, John A. |
Wiley Publishing |
18462 |
Administrative Theories and Management Thought
2008 |
Sapru, R.K. |
18463 |
An Introduction To Derivatives and Risk Management
2008 |
Chance, Don M. and Brooks, Robert |
Thomson |
18464 |
Human Resource Management
2008 |
Byars, Lloyd L. and Rue, Leslie W. |
McGraw-Hill |
18465 |
Dictionary of International Security
2008 |
Cambridge - New York |
18466 |
Merancang Outbound Training Profesional
2008 |
Susanta, Agustinus |
Andi - Yogyakarta |
18467 |
Innovation Management and New Product Development
2008 |
Trott, Paul |
Prentice Hall |
18468 |
Analysis for Marketing Planning
2008 |
Lehmann, Donald D. |
McGraw-Hill |
18469 |
Marketing Management: A Strategic Decision-Making Approach
2008 |
Mullins, John W. and Walker, Orville C. |
McGraw-Hill |
18470 |
Understanding Conflict Resolution
2008 |
Sage Publications - Los Angeles |
18471 |
The Security Dilemma
2008 |
BOOTH, Ken |
Palgrave - Macmillan |
18472 |
Introduction To Operations and Supply Chain Management
2008 |
Bozart, Cecil C. and Handfield, Robert B. |
Prentice Hall |
18473 |
Supply Chain Science
2008 |
Hopp, Wallace J. |
McGraw-Hill |
18474 |
2008 |
SERNAU, Scott R. |
Pine Forge Press - Los Angeles |
18475 |
Principles & Tools for Supply Chain Management
2008 |
Webster |
McGraw-Hill |
18476 |
Landscape Design
2008 |
Ueyama, Ryoko |
BSS - Japan |
18477 |
Invironment And Politics
2008 |
DOYLE, Timothy |
Routledge - New York |
18478 |
Hukum Perbankan Syariah dan takaful
2008 |
Dewi Nurul Musjtari |
Lab Hukum UMY - Yogyakarta |
18479 |
Dasar-dasar pembuatan aqad dan kontrak
2008 |
Lestari, Ahdiana Yuni and Endang Heriyani |
Lab Hukum UMY - Yogyakarta |
18480 |
Proses penyelesaian sengketa konsumen ditijaun dari hukum acara serta kendala implementasinya
2008 |
Nugroho adi susanti |
kencana media group - jakarta |
18481 |
A World of Polities
2008 |
Rautledge - New York |
18482 |
Sustainable Development In A Globalized World
2008 |
HETTNE, Bjorn |
Palgrave - New York |
18483 |
Investasi asing melalui surat utang negara di pasar modal
2008 |
Sihombing Jonker |
PT. Alumni Bandung - Bandung |
18484 |
Aspek Kebijaksanaan Hukum Penatagunaan tanah dan penataan ruang
2008 |
Muchsin and Koeswahyono Imam |
Sinar Grafika - Jakarta |
18485 |
Left and Right in Global Politics
2008 |
NOEL, Alain |
Cambridge - New York |
18486 |
Globalization A Multidimensional System
2008 |
C. Gopinath |
Sage - Los Angeles |
18487 |
Comparative Politics
2008 |
Routledge - London |
18488 |
Longman preparation course for the toefl test: iBT Listening
2008 |
Deborah phillips |
Pearson Longman - USA |
18489 |
Longman Preparation course for the toefl test : IBT Reading
2008 |
Deborah Phillips |
Pearson Longman - Newyork |
18490 |
Longman preparation course for the toefl test : iBT Writing
2008 |
Deborah Phillips |
Pearson longman - Newyork |
18491 |
2008 |
ITC - Jakarta |
18492 |
Public Speaking
2008 |
Language Training Center - Yogyakarta |
18493 |
Public Speaking
2008 |
Mia Agustina and Erni Dewi R. |
The Lannguage Training Center - Yogyakarta |
18494 |
Women's Political Participation And Representation In Rusia
2008 |
IWANAGA, Kazuki |
Nias Press - Nias |
18495 |
State-Intelligence Interaction 1945-2004
2008 |
Pacivis - Jakarta |
18496 |
Hubungan Intelijen - Negara 1945-2004
2008 |
Pacivis - Jakarta |
18497 |
Contemporary Conflictresolution
2008 |
Politi - New York |
18498 |
U.S. Campaigns Elections and Electoral Behavior
2008 |
WARREN, Kenneth F. |
Asage - New York |
18499 |
The year of Sharing
2008 |
Harry Gilbert |
Oxford university Press - New York |
18500 |
Nation Building And Identity In Europe
2008 |
TZANELLI, Rodanthi |
Palgrave - London |