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Number of items : 60046
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19601 Party Politics and Democratization in Indonesia: Glokar in The Post-Suharto Era 2008 Dirk Tomsa Routledge - London and New York
19602 International Political Economy: An Intellectual History 2008 Benjamin J. Cohen Princenton University Press - Princenton
19603 The Graying of The Great Powers: Demography and Geopolitics in The 21st Century 2008 Richard Jackson and Neil Howe SIS
19604 Rethinking The Man Question: Sex, Gender and Violence in International Relation 2008 Jane L. Parpart Zed Books - London
19605 Arus Filsafat 2008 Soegiri DS Ultimus - Bandung
19606 The Oxford Handbook of International Relations 2008 Oxford University Press - new York
19607 Peace as Governance: Power-Sharing, Armed Groups and Contemporary Peace Negotiations 2008 Chandra Lekha Sriram Palgrave Macmillan - London
19608 The Power of Words in International Relations 2008 Charlotte Epstein The MIT Press - London
19609 The Invisible Constitution of Politics 2008 Antje Wiener Cambridge University Press - London
19610 Psikologi intelijen rahasia CIA dalam proses analisis intelijen 2008 Heuer, Richards J Primasophie - Jogjakarta
19611 Pengantar Ilmu Kriptografi : Teori, analisis, dan implementasi 2008 Dony Ariyus Andi Ofset - Yogyakarta
19612 Mudah Meraih Dana KPR (Kredit Kepemilikan Rumah): dari memilih bank sampai cara mengangsur 2008 Ristanto, Slamet Galangpress - Yogyakarta
19613 Perpajakan edisi Revisi 2008 2008 Prof. Dr.Mardiasmo, MBA., Ak Andi Publisher
19614 The Liberal Project and Human Rights: The Theory and Practice of a New World Order 2008 John Charvet and Elisa K. Cambridge University Press - Cambridge
19615 The Shape of The World to Come: Charting the Geopolitics of a New Century 2008 Laurent Cohen and Tanugi Columbia University Press - New York
19616 Membangun Model Penyelesaian Sengketa Pajak 2008 Jamal Wiwoho LPP UNS
19617 Jurnalis Indonesia di 5 kota 2008 LP3Y
19618 Bloody Nations: Moral Dillemas for Nations, state and International Relations 2008 Cherry Bradshaw Ashgate - USA
19619 Global Powers in the 21st Century 2008 Amanda Kozlowski A Washington Quarterly Reader - United States
19620 The Politics of Secularism in International Relations 2008 Elizabeth Shakman Hurd Princeton University Press - Oxfordshire
19621 Gramsci, Political Economy, and International Relations Theory 2008 Ayers Alison J. Palgrave Macmillan - New York
19622 Kumpulan Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum : KUH Perdata, KUHP dan KUHAP 2008 Indonesia Wipress
19623 Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia Pusat Bahasa 2008 Departemen Pendidikan Nasional Gramedia Pustaka Utama - Jakarta
19624 The Refugee In International society 2008 Haddad, Emma Cambridge University Press - New York
19625 Social Marketing : Theoretical and practical perspectives 2008 Marvin E. Goldberg and Martin Fishbein Routledge - NY
19626 Institutions and Organizations Ideas and Interests 2008 Scott, W. Richard SAGE - Singapura
19627 Praktik Keperawatan dan Layanan Kesehatan 2008 Pustaka Pelajar - Yogyakarta
19628 Membangun Budaya Keselamatan Pasien Dalam Praktik Kedokteran 2008 Suharjo B. Cahyono Kanisius - Yogyakarta
19629 Pembangunan Ekonomi & Utang Luar Negeri 2008 Tulus Tahi Hamonangan Tambunan Rajawali Pers - Jakarta
19630 The big sleep 2008 Raymond Chandler oxford university press - oxford
19631 Give us the money 2008 Maeve clarke oxford university press - Oxford
19632 Vampire killer 2008 paul shipton oxford university press - Oxford
19633 Robin hood 2008 John escott oxford university press - Oxford
19634 The fifteenth character 2008 rosemary border oxford university press - Oxford
19635 Mystery in london 2008 Helen brooke oxford university press - Oxford
19636 A connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court 2008 Mark twain oxford university press - Oxford
19637 Starman 2008 Phillip burrows and mark foster oxford university press - Oxford
19638 Taxi of Terror 2008 Phillip burrows and mark foster oxford university press - Oxford
19639 Last chance 2008 Phillip burrows and mark foster Oxford university press - Oxford
19640 Drive Into Danger 2008 Rosemary Border oxford university press - Oxford
19641 Who, sir? me, sir? 2008 K. M. Peyton oxford university press - Oxford
19642 Star reporter 2008 John escott oxford university press - Oxford
19643 Girl on a motorcycle 2008 John escott oxford university press - Oxford
19644 New York Cafe 2008 Michael dean oxford university press - Oxford
19645 Survive 2008 Helen brooke oxford university press - Oxford
19646 Orca 2008 Philip burrows and mark foster oxford university press - Oxford
19647 Remember miranda 2008 Rowena akinyemi oxford university press - oxford
19648 The president's murderer 2008 Jennifer Bassett oxford university press - oxford
19649 Ned kelly a true story 2008 Christine lindop oxford university press - oxford
19650 The elephant man 2008 Tim vicary oxford university press - new york

Number of items : 60046