25251 |
Ar Rahiq Al Makhtum
2005 |
Shafyurrahman Al Mibar Kafuri |
Dar Ibn Kutsir |
25252 |
Empat Puluh Strategi Pembelajaran Rasulullah
2005 |
Abd Al-Fattah Abu Ghuddah |
Tiara Wacana - Yogyakarta |
25253 |
Building Network
2005 |
Jane Kenway and Debbie Epstein, Rebecca |
ASK - London |
25254 |
Gender and American Politics: Women, Men, and The Political Process
2005 |
Sharpe - London |
25255 |
Negotiating Modernity: Africa Ambivalent Experience
2005 |
Zed Book - London |
25256 |
Doing Qualitative Research: a Practical Handbook
2005 |
David Silverman |
Sage - Los Angeles |
25257 |
Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Japan
2005 |
Kathryn Ibata and Arens |
Cambridge University Press - New York |
25258 |
East Asia Decentralizes: Making Local Government Work
2005 |
The World Bank - Washington |
25259 |
Global Public Management: Cases and Comment
2005 |
Sage Publications |
25260 |
Relevansi Hukum Pidana adat dalam Pembaruan Hukum Pidana Nasional
2005 |
Prof. Dr. Nyoman Serikat Putra Jaya s.h., m.h |
PT. Citra Aditya Bakti - Bandung |
25261 |
Getting Started on Research
2005 |
Rebecca Boden and Jane Kenway, Debbie Epstein |
ASK - London |
25262 |
Handbook of Public Administration and Policy in The European Union
2005 |
CRC - Boca Raton |
25263 |
Attracting Tourists Traders Investors: Strategi memasarkan daerah di era otonomi
2005 |
Hermawan Kartajaya and Yuswohady |
PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama - Jakarta |
25264 |
Panduan sistem bangunan tinggi : untuk arsitek dan praktisi bangunan
2005 |
Jimmy S.Juwana |
Erlangga - Jakarta |
25265 |
Paris Au Cinema
2005 |
N.T. Binh |
parigramme - paris |
25266 |
Keadilan Sosial: Pandangan Deontologis Rawls dan Hubermas
2005 |
Bur Rasuanto |
PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama - Jakarta |
25267 |
Winning and Managing Research Funding
2005 |
Jane Kenway and Rebecca Boden, Debbie Epstein |
ASK - London |
25268 |
Living Political Ideas
2005 |
Edinburgh - Edinburgh |
25269 |
Multicultural Politics: Rasism, Ethnicity and Muslims in Britain
2005 |
Tariq Modood |
University of Minnesota Press - United States |
25270 |
Persian Language Teaching
2005 |
Yadollah Samareh |
ALHODA Publishers & Distributors - Teheran |
25271 |
International Dictionary of Public Management and Governance
2005 |
Gambhir Bhatta |
M.E. Sharpe - New York |
25272 |
Nations and Nationalism: A Reader
2005 |
Edinburgh - Edinburgh |
25273 |
Ghazali and The Poetics of Imagination
2005 |
MOOSA, Ebrahim |
25274 |
Managing Change and Innovation in Public Service Organisations
2005 |
Stephen P. Osborne and Kerry Brown |
Routledge - New York |
25275 |
Controlling Government Spending: The Ethos, Ethics, and Economics of Expenditure Management
2005 |
A. Premchand |
Oxford - Oxford |
25276 |
Making Policy, Shaping Lives
2005 |
Edinburgh University Press - Ediburgh |
25277 |
When is the Nation?: Toward an understanding of theories of nationalism
2005 |
Routledge - London |
25278 |
2005 |
Mohammad Baqir al Sadr |
Ansariyan Publication - Iran |
25279 |
Corporate social responsibility
2005 |
Philip kotler |
25280 |
Elite Sport Development : Policy Learning and Political Priorities
2005 |
Green, Mick and Houlihan, Barrie |
Routledge - New York |
25281 |
Politik Pendidikan Penguasa
2005 |
Susetyo, Benny |
LKiS Yogyakarta - Yogyakarta |
25282 |
Pajak Penghasilan Potongan dan Pungutan : Pasal 21, 22, 23, 26 Undang-Undang No. 17 Tahun 2000
2005 |
Marsyahrul, Tony |
Grasindo - Jakarta |
25283 |
Staff Participation and Public Management Reform : Some International Comparisons
2005 |
Fairnham, David and Hondeghem, Annie., dan Horton, Sylvia |
Palgrave Macmillan - New York |
25284 |
Sustainability and Human Settlements : Fundamental Issues, Modeling and Simulations
2005 |
M. Monto and L.S. Ganesh dan Koshy Varghese |
Sage Publications - New Delhi |
25285 |
Understanding Social Problems
2005 |
Mooney, Linda A and Knox, David., dan Schacht, Caroline |
Thomson Wadsworth - USA |
25286 |
Civil Life, Globalization, And Political Change in Asia : Organization between family and state
2005 |
Routledge - New York |
25287 |
The Global Governance Reader
2005 |
Routledge - New York |
25288 |
Bertanam Stroberi
2005 |
Nurul Budiarsih |
Musi Perkasa Utama - Jakarta |
25289 |
Theory and Method in Socio-Legal Research
2005 |
Reza Banakar and Max Travers |
Hard Publishing - Oxford |
25290 |
Penerapan Hukum Acara Perdata Di Lingkungan Perdalina Agama
2005 |
Abdul Manan |
Kencana Prenada Media Group |
25291 |
Metode Pengajaran Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan
2005 |
aktif khimaliayah and budi bnugroho dkk |
diktilitbang - yogyakarta |
25292 |
The result of the uruguay round of multilataeral trade negotiations
2005 |
world trade organization member |
cambride - switzerland |
25293 |
Construction Contracts Law and Management
2005 |
John Murdoch and Will Hughes |
Pon press - london |
25294 |
Fukugoudoushi Hasei Doushi no Imi to Tougo Keitairon 複合動詞・派生動詞の意味と統語 モジュール形態論から見た日英語の動詞形成
2005 |
Yumoto Youshi 由本陽子 |
ひつじ書房 |
25295 |
Nihongo Kyouikugaku Dai 2 3 4 6 Maki Gengo Gakusyo no Shien 講座・日本語教育学 第4巻 言語学習の支援
2005 |
Nuibe Yoshinori |
スリーエーネットワーク |
25296 |
Kesuburan Tanah: Dasar Kesehatan dan Kualitas Tanah
2005 |
Sugeng Winarso |
Gava Media - Yogyakarta |
25297 |
Governing and Managing Knowledge in Asia
2005 |
World Scientific Publishing - Singapore |
25298 |
Biomechanics and Esthetic Strategies in Clinical Orthodontics
2005 |
Ravindra Nanda |
Elsevier Saudes |
25299 |
Pengelolaan Tingkah Laku Pasien Pada Praktik Dokter Gigi
2005 |
G.G. Kent and A.S. Blinkhorn |
EGC - Jakarta |
25300 |
Aesthetic Dentistry : Quintessentials of Dental Practice 19 - Operative Dentistry - 2
2005 |
David Barlett and Paul A Bruntun |
Qunt Essential - London |