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Number of items : 60056
No Judul Tahun Penulis Penerbit
26501 Intermediate robot building 2004 COOK, David [Tidak Terdaftar]
26502 Roadwork. Theory and practice 2004 KENDRICK, Peter Elsevier
26503 The Lightweight Treated Soil Method : New Geomaterials For Soft Ground Engineering In Coastal Areas 2004 TAKASHI, Tsuchida AA. BALKEMA , ROTTERDAM
26504 Engineering Mechanics Dynamics 2004 HIBBELER, R.C Pearson Prentice Hall
26505 Standard Handbook of Machine Design 2004 SHIGLEY, Joseph Edward McGraw - Hill Book Company
26506 Earthquake Engineering From Enginnering Seismology to Performance-Based 2004 BOZORGNIA, Yousef CRC Press
26507 Understanding digital Signal Processing 2004 Lyons, Richard G PRENTICE HALL
26508 Solid Fuels Combustion and Gasification. Modeling, Simulation, an Equepment Operation 2004 SOUZA-SANTOS, Marcio L De Marcel Dekker
26509 Renewable and Efficient Electric Power Systems 2004 MASTERS, Gilbert M John Wiley & Sons
26510 Transformer And Inductor Design Handbook 2004 McLYMAN, Colonel Wm CRC Press
26511 Standard Handbook Of Enginering Calculations 2004 HICKS, Tyler G McGraw - Hill Book Company
26512 Failure Prevention of Plant and Machinery 2004 HATTANGADI, A A McGraw - Hill Book Company
26513 Civil Engineering Projec Management 2004 TWORT, Alan C Elsevier
26514 Protection of Electricity Distribution Networks 2004 GERS, Juan M IEEE Press
26515 Statics and Mechanics of Materials 2004 HIBBELER, R.C. Pearson Prentice Hall
26516 Vector Mechanics for Engineers. Dynamics 2004 BEER, Ferdinand P McGraw - Hill Book Company
26517 Pratical Strategies for teachers, lecturers and trainers. 1 Planning a Course 2004 FORSYTH, Ian Crest Pub
26518 Pratical Strategies for Teachers, Lecturers and Trainers. 2 Preparing A Course 2004 FORSYTH, Ian Crest Pub
26519 Pratical Strategies for Teachers, Lecturers and Trainers. 4 Evaluating A Course 2004 FORSYTH, Ian Crest Pub
26520 The Complete Guide to Learning and Assesment. 3 Assesment 2004 COTTON, Julie Crest Pub
26521 Test Equating Scaling, and Linking. Mthods and Practices 2004 KOLEN, Michael J SPRINGER
26522 Information systems project management 2004 OLSON, David McGraw - Hill Book Company
26523 Management of Financial Institutions 2004 HOGAN, Warren John Wiley & Sons
26524 Electric Power Distribution Handbook 2004 SHORT, T A CRC Press
26525 Mengentaskan Kemiskinan sekaligus memperoleh laba. The Fortune at the Botton of The Pyramid 2004 PRAHALAD, C.K INDEKS
26526 Forensic Psychiatry in Islamic Jurisprudence 2004 CHALEBY, Kutaiba S [Tidak Terdaftar]
26527 The Completye Lean Enterprise : value stream mapping for administrative and office processes 2004 KEYTE, Beau
26528 Data Design, Application Development, And Administration 2004 MANNINO, Michael V IRWIN
26529 Tuntunan praktis pemrograman basis data menggunakan visual foxpro 2004 YATINI B, Indra Graha Ilmu
26530 Communication And Family Planning In Islam In Indonesia: South Sulawesi Muslim Perception of a Global Development Program 2004 BAKTI, Andi Faisal INIS
26531 Second Language Learning theories 2004 MITCHELL, Rasamond HODDER & Stoughton
26532 Early Reading Instruction. What Science Really Tells Us about How to Teach Reading 2004 MCGUINNESS, Diane The MIT Press
26533 Handbook of Pratical Program Evaluation 2004 WHOLEY, Joseph S Jossey-Bass Publishers
26534 Instalasi Listrik Tingkat Lanjut 2004 LINSLEY, Trevor Erlangga
26535 Periklanan Promosi aspek tambahan komunikasi pemasaran terpadu II 2004 SHIMP, Terence A Erlangga
26536 Lateral Marketing. Berbagai teknik baru untuk mendapatkan ide-ide terobosan 2004 KOTLER, Philip Erlangga
26537 Meraih Tujuan dengan Manajemen 2004 [Tidak Terdaftar] STIE YKPN
26538 The Power of Entrepreneurial Intelligence. Membangun Sikap dan Perilaku Entrepreneur dalam diri anda 2004 PRIJOSAKSONO, Aribowo Elex Media Komputindo
26539 Killer Rocks From outer Space. Asteroids, Comets, and meteorites 2004 KOPPES, Steven N Twenty-First Century Books
26540 Linus Pauling Advancing Science, Advocating Peace 2004 PASACHOFF, Naomi Enslow Publishers
26541 A Year in the Life of an ASL Student. Idioms and Vocabulary you can't live withaout 2004 FRANCIS, Edward J TRAFFORD
26542 Endangered Planet 2004 BURNIE, David
26543 Perlindungan hukum varietas baru Tanaman. dalam perspektif hak paten dan hak pemulia 2004 KRISNAWATI, Andriana RAJAWALI - Jakarta
26544 Komponen Perancangan Arsitektur Lansekap. Prinsip - unsur dan Aplikasi disain 2004 HAKIM, Rustam Bumi Aksara - Jakarta
26545 Tips & Trik mencari pekerjaan lewat internet 2004 [Tidak Terdaftar] Andi Offset
26546 Trees in the Urban Landscape. Site Assessment, Design, and Installation 2004 TROWBRIDGE, Peter J John Wiley & Sons
26547 Introduction to Environmental Soil Physics 2004 HILLEL, Daniel Elsevier
26548 Postharvest Physiology and Hypobaric Strorage of Fresh Produce 2004 BURG, S P CABI Publishing
26549 In Vitro Application in Crop Improvement 2004 MUJIB, Abdul Science Publishers, Inc
26550 Soil Physics 2004 JURY, William A John Wiley & Sons

Number of items : 60056