27801 |
Transnational Spaces
2004 |
Routledge - London and New York |
27802 |
Ordering The International: History, Change and Transformation
2004 |
Pluto Press2004 - London |
27803 |
International Democracy and The West: The Role of Goverments, Civil Society and Multinational Business
2004 |
Richard Youngs |
Oxford University Press - Oxford |
27804 |
The Future of The Nation State: Essay on Cultural Pluralism and Political Intergration
2004 |
Sverker Gustavsson |
Routledge - London and New York |
27805 |
What Moves Man: The Realist Theory of International Relations and Its Judgment of Human Nature
2004 |
Annette Freyberg and Inan |
State University of New York Press - New York |
27806 |
Making The International: Economic Interdependence and Political Order
2004 |
Pluto Press - London |
27807 |
Domestic Politics, International Bargaining and China's Territorial Disputes
2004 |
Chien-peng Chung |
Routledge - London and New York |
27808 |
The European Union and British Politics
2004 |
Andrew Geddes |
Palgrave Mcmillan - London |
27809 |
Security Communities and their Neighbours
2004 |
Alex J. Bellamy |
Palgrave Macmillan - London |
27810 |
Beyond Neutrality: Confronting the Crisis in Conflict Resolution
2004 |
Bernard Mayer |
27811 |
International History of The Twentieth Century
2004 |
Antony Best |
Routledge - London and New York |
27812 |
Bringing Religion Into International Relations
2004 |
Jonathan Fox and Shmuel Sandler |
Palgrave Macmillan - New York |
27813 |
Eropean Approaches to International Relations Theory
2004 |
Jorg Friedrichs |
Routledge - New York |
27814 |
jurnalis memandang perempuan
2004 |
Fadmi Sustiwi |
LP3Y Asia Foundation |
27815 |
State Crises. Globalisation and National Movements in North-East Africa
2004 |
Asafa Jalata |
Routledge - New York |
27816 |
American Military Police
2004 |
Alan Allport |
Chelsea House Publisher - United States |
27817 |
The Politics Of Air Power
2004 |
Rondal R. Rice |
Lincoln - London |
27818 |
Rethingking Civilizational Analysis
2004 |
Arjomand Said |
Saga - London |
27819 |
Verworfenes Leben
2004 |
Bauman, Zygmunt |
Polity Press - Cambridge |
27820 |
Atlas Berwarna Patologi Anatomi Jilid 1
2004 |
Sander, Mochamad Aleq |
Rajawali Pers - Depok |
27821 |
Atlas Berwarna Patologi Anatomi Jilid 2
2004 |
Sander, Mochamad Aleq |
Rajawali Pers - Depok |
27822 |
Ending the Cold War: Interpretations, Causation, and the Study of International Relations
2004 |
Richard K. Herrmann |
27823 |
Essential Arabic Phrase Book
2004 |
Mansouri, Fethi |
Periplus - Singapore |
27824 |
Meluruskan Pemahaman Bantahan Terhadap Muhammad Alawi Al Maliki di Dalam Bukunya Mafaahim Yajibu an Tushahhah
2004 |
Shalel bin Abdul Aziz |
Nashirul haq |
27825 |
Democracy and the World Government
2004 |
Dhanjoo N Ghista |
World Scientific - Singapure |
27826 |
Artikulasi Islam Kultural Dari Tahapan Moral ke Periode Sejarah
2004 |
RajaGrafindo Persada - Jakarta |
27827 |
Gender Mainstreaming Konzepte-Handlungsfelder-Instrumente
2004 |
Meuser, Michael and Claudia Neusub |
BPB - Bonn |
27828 |
Hakikat Ajaran Budha
2004 |
Okawa, Ryuho |
Saujana - Yogyakarta |
27829 |
Program Keahlian
2004 |
- Yogyakarta |
27830 |
Cara Mudah Melakukan Analisa Statistik Dengan SPSS
2004 |
Teguh W |
Gava Media - Salatiga |
27831 |
Feng Shui Kearifan Purbakala Mengenai Kehidupan Harmonis Yang Diterapkan Untuk Zaman Modern
2004 |
Wong, Eva |
Lucky Publishers - Batam |
27832 |
Islamic Rulings on Warfare
2004 |
Aboul-Enein, Youssef H. |
U.S. Army War College |
27833 |
Profil Institut Agama Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta 1951-2004
2004 |
Suryadilaga, M. Alfatih |
UIN Sunan Kalijaga - Yogyakarta |
27834 |
Bunga Rampai Sejarah Sosial-Ekonomi Indonesia
2004 |
Padmo, Soegijanto |
Aditya Media - Yogyakarta |
27835 |
Indonesia in Transition: Rethinking 'Civil Society', 'Region', and Crisis'
2004 |
Pustaka Pelajar - Yogyakarta |
27836 |
Kawasan Industri Berwawasan Lingkungan (Eco-Industrial Park): Fenomena Baru dalam Membangun Industri dan Kawasannya Demi Masa Depan Berkelanjutan
2004 |
Surna T Djajadiningrat |
Rekayasa Sains - Bandung |
27837 |
UU RI No. 23 Tahun 2003 Pemilihan Umum Presiden dan Wakil Presiden
2004 |
Lembaga Informasi Nasional |
Lembaga Informasi Nasional - Jakarta |
27838 |
Jalan Terjal Perubahan Sosial
2004 |
Usman, Sunyoto |
CIReD - Yogyakarta |
27839 |
Social Policy and the Commonwealth Prospects for Social Inclusion
2004 |
Catherine Jones Finer (ed.) |
27840 |
Membaca Pikiran Pierre Bourdieu
2004 |
Jenkins, Richard |
Kreasi Wacana - Yogyakarta |
27841 |
Pengembangan Kawasan Wisata Trowulan
2004 |
Usman, Sunyoto |
CIReD - Yogyakarta |
27842 |
thebasics european union
2004 |
Alex Warleigh |
Routledge - New York |
27843 |
Perspektif Pemikiran Bung Karno
2004 |
H. Wuryadi and Tadjuddin Noer Effendi |
Lembaga Putra Fajar - Jakarta |
27844 |
Di Antara Harapan Dan Kenyataan: Esai-esai Perubahan Sosial
2004 |
Sunyoto Usman |
CIReD - Yogyakarta |
27845 |
Pasca Konversi Kini Konvensi: Esei-esei Politik Golkar
2004 |
Hajriyanto Y. Thohari |
The Hajriyanto Center - Karanganyar |
27846 |
Rethinking Social Theory
2004 |
Roger Sibeon |
SAGE Publications - London |
27847 |
Reinvensi BUMN
2004 |
Djokosantoso Moeljono |
Elex Media Komputindo - Jakarta |
27848 |
Pendidikan Ekonomi Kita
2004 |
Mubyarto |
PUSTEP UGM - Yogyakarta |
27849 |
Teknokrat dan Ekonomi Pancasila
2004 |
Mubyarto |
PUSTEP UGM - Yogyakarta |
27850 |
Kritik Ideologi
2004 |
Fransisco Budi Hardiman |
Buku Baik - Yogyakarta |