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Number of items : 60068
No Judul Tahun Penulis Penerbit
28601 Visual basic 6.0 untuk orang awan 2003 KASMONI MAXIKOM
28602 Dasar Pemrograman WEB Dinamis Menggunakan PHP 2003 KADIR, Abdul Andi Offset
28603 Islam in Australia 2003 SAEED, ABdullah Allen & Unwin
28604 Essentials of Entrepreneurship. What it takes to create Successful Enterprises 2003 [Tidak Terdaftar] John Wiley & Sons
28605 Concepts in Composition. Theory and Practice in the Teaching of Writing 2003 CLARK, Irene L Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
28606 Hadis-hadis Ahkam. Riwayat Asy-syaf'i. Thaharah dan Shalat 2003 MAHALI, A. Mudjab RAJAWALI
28607 Marketing Management. The Marketer's watchwords are quality service, and value 2003 KOTLER, Philip PRENTICE HALL
28608 Marketing insights from A to Z. 80 Konsep yang harus dipahami oleh setiap manajer 2003 KOTLER, Philip Erlangga
28609 Mengelola kredit berbasis Good Cormprate Governance 2003 TANGKILISAN, Hessel Nogi S Balairung
28610 Viral Marketing. Konsep Baru Berinvestasi & Berwirausaha 2003 ARIFIN, Ali Andi Offset
28611 Dictionary of finance and Investment Terms 2003 DOWNES, John Barron's Educational Series Inc
28612 The Big Splat or How our Moon Came to be 2003 MACKENZIE, Dana John Wiley & Sons
28613 A History of Modern Computing 2003 CERUZZI, Paul E The MIT Press
28614 DR. Charles Drew. Blood Bank Innovator 2003 SCHRAFF, Ane Enslow Publishers
28615 Earthquakes 2003 TRUEIT, Trudi Strain
28616 Niels Bohr. Physicist and Humanitarian 2003 PASACHOFF, Naomi Enslow Publishers
28617 The Sea Around Us 2003 CARSON, Rachel Oxford University Press
28618 Monolingual The Basic oxford Picture Dictionary 2003 GRAMER, Margot F Oxford University Press
28619 Genes & DNA 2003 WALKER, Richard kingfisher
28620 Exploring Our Solar System 2003 RIDE, Sally Crown Publishers.
28621 Improving the Productivity and Sustainability of Rice-Wheat Systems: Issues and Impacts 2003 [Tidak Terdaftar] [Tidak Terdaftar]
28622 Postharvest Oxidative Stress in Horticultural Crops 2003 HODGES, D Mark Food Products Press
28623 Negara dan Bangsa jilid 9 2003 [Tidak Terdaftar] Grolier International
28624 The True of Life 2003 SIS, Peter Library Associatin Pub
28625 The Time Traveler's Wife 2003 NIFFENEGGER, Audrey A harvest Book Harcourt.Inc
28626 The End of The American Era 2003 KUPCHAN, Charles A [Tidak Terdaftar]
28627 Jewish and Islamic Law. A Comparative Study of Custom During the Geonic Period 2003 LIBSON, Gideon Harvard University Press
28628 Dictionary of Environmental Science 2003 [Tidak Terdaftar] McGraw - Hill Book Company
28629 College Edu. Online Resource for the Cyber-savvy Student 2003 [Tidak Terdaftar] OCTAMERON Associates
28630 Media Education. Literacy, Learning and Contemporary cultur 2003 BUCKINGHAM, David Polity Press
28631 Math Charmers. Jantalizing Jidbits for the mind 2003 POSAMENTIER, Alfred S Prometheus Books
28632 Intellectual Property the Law of Copyrights, patents and trademarks 2003 SCHECHTER, Roger E Thomson
28633 great cities through the ages New york 2003 [Tidak Terdaftar] [Tidak Terdaftar]
28634 Mengasah Kompetensi Manajemen melalui Bedah Kasus 2003 SULAKSANA, Uyung Pustaka Pelajar
28635 Ilmu MikroEkonomi: ED 1 2003 SAMUELSON, Paul A McGraw Hill Higher Education
28636 Agama Kekerasan 2003 SHALEH, Abdul Qodir Prisma Sophie
28637 Agama Tradisional Potret Kearifan hidup Masyarakat Samin dan Tengger 2003 NURUDIN LKiS
28638 Cognitive Psychology 2003 Fulcher Eamon crucial
28639 Arba'in al-Gazali: 40 Dasar agama menurut Hujjah al-Islam 2003 GHAZALI, Imam Pustaka Sufi
28640 Al-Qur'an bertutur tentang cinta 2003 SYARIF, Mahmud bin Asy Cahaya Hikmah
28641 Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan (Civic Education): Demokrasi, Hak asasi manusia, dan masyarakat Madani 2003 AZRA, Azyumardi Kencana
28642 Berderma untuk semua: wacana dan praqktik filantropi Islam 2003 AZRA, Azyumardi Teraju
28643 Watak Pendidikan Islam 2003 ALY, Hery Noer FRISKA AGUNG INSANI
28644 Fiqih Demokratis: dari tradisionalisme kolektif menuju modernisme populis 2003 TURABI, Hasan al Arasy
28645 Bahasa Arab dan metode pengajarannya 2003 ARSYAD, Azhar Pustaka Pelajar
28646 Dasar-dasar Filsafat Moral 2003 ACTON, H B PUSTAKA EUREKA
28647 Cakrawala Baru Peradaban Global: Revolusi Islam untuk globalisme, pluralisme dan egaliterisme antar peradaban 2003 HANAFI, Hassan IRCiSoD
28648 Cepat Menguasai Ilmu Filsafat 2003 ISMA'IL, Fuad Farid IRCiSoD
28649 Dasar-dasar Tasawuf 2003 HAERI, Syaikh Fadhalla Pustaka Sufi
28650 Bersufi melalui Musik: sebuah pembelaan musik sufi oleh Ahmad al-Ghazali 2003 MUHAYA, Abdul Gama Media

Number of items : 60068