31501 |
Prinsip dasar manajemen pemasaran hasil-hasil pertanian: teori dan aplikasinya
2002 |
Soekartawi |
PT RajaGrafindo Persada - Jakarta |
31502 |
International Marketing and Export Management
2002 |
Albaum, Gerald and Strandskov, Jesper |
Prentice Hall |
31503 |
Foundations of Financial Markets and Institutions
2002 |
Fabozzi, Frank J. and Modigliani, Franco |
Prentice Hall |
31504 |
Sistem Pengendalian Manajemen: Suatu Pendekatan Praktis
2002 |
Sukarno, Edy |
PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama - Jakarta |
31505 |
Southeast Asian Perspectives On Scurity
2002 |
CUNHA, Derek da |
Iseas - Singapore |
31506 |
Business Letters for Busy People: Time Saving, Ready-to-Use Letters For Any Occasion
2002 |
Carey, John A. |
31507 |
Kleppner's Advertising Procedure
2002 |
Russell, J. Thomas |
Prentice Hall |
31508 |
Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia 2
2002 |
Mathis, Robert L. and Jackson, John H. |
Salemba Empat - Jakarta |
31509 |
Perencanaan Wilayah Di Indonesia Pada Masa Sekitar Krisis
2002 |
Nurzaman, Siti Sutriah |
ITB - Bandung |
31510 |
Landscape Graphics: Plan, Section, and Perspective Drawing of Landscape Spaces
2002 |
FASLA, Grant W. Reid |
Watson-Guptill Publications - USA |
31511 |
Iqbal, dalam pandangan para pemikir syi'ah
2002 |
Khamene'i, Ali |
Al-Huda - jakarta |
31512 |
Understanding islamic sciences
2002 |
Mutahhari, Murtada |
ICAS Press - London |
31513 |
BUSTAN taman bunga kebajikan
2002 |
Shirazi, Syeikh Musliuddin Sa'di |
Vavila - Yogyakarta |
31514 |
Ombudsman Indonesia
2002 |
Sujata Antonius and Masthuri Budhi |
Komisi Ombudsman Nasional - Jakarta |
31515 |
Wujuh Al I'jaz fi al khithab al uslubi wal ma'rifi lil quranil karim
2002 |
Husain, Nashruddin ahmad |
Al Jamiah al islamiyah - kuala lumpur |
31516 |
Oxford english for information technology : Teacher's Guide
2002 |
Eric H.Gledinning and John McEwan |
Oxford University Press - Newyork |
31517 |
Timed readings plus
2002 |
Edward Spargo |
Mc Graw Hill - North America |
31518 |
International Relations
2002 |
GRIFFIHT, Martin |
Routledge - London |
31519 |
Media & Human Rights in Asia
2002 |
Asian Media Internasional - Singapore |
31520 |
Anne Green of Gables
2002 |
L.M. Montgomery |
Penguin Book - england |
31521 |
Man from the South and Other Stories
2002 |
Roald Dahl |
Pearson Education limited with Penguin Books - England |
31522 |
English for Everyday Activities : A Picture Process Dictionary
2002 |
Lawrence J. Zwier |
New Reader Press - Amerika |
31523 |
The Mummy Returns
2002 |
John Whitman |
Pearson education Limited with Penguin Books - England |
31524 |
An Ideal Husband
2002 |
Oscar Wilde |
Pearson Education Limited with Penguin Books - England |
31525 |
Mosaic 1 : Grammar
2002 |
Patricia K.Werner and Lou Spaventa |
McGraw-Hill - Amerika |
31526 |
Understanding and Using Grammar (With Answer Key)
2002 |
Betty Schrampfer Azar |
Longman - Newyork |
31527 |
Death in Midsummer and Other Stories
2002 |
Yukio Mishima |
Tuttle - Tokyo |
31528 |
Mosaic 2 : Listening/speaking
2002 |
JAmi Hanreddy and Elizabeth Whalley |
McGraw Hill - Amerika |
31529 |
Gogo Loves English 6
2002 |
Stanton Procter and Melanie graham |
Longman Pearson Education - Hong Kong |
31530 |
Gogo Loves English 6 (Workbook)
2002 |
John Potter |
Longman Pearson Education - Hong Kong |
31531 |
Gogo Loves english 5 (Teacher's Book)
2002 |
Masako Hiraki and Stanton Procter |
Longman Pearson Education - Hong Kong |
31532 |
Instructor's Manual interactions 2 : Grammar
2002 |
Cheryl Pavlik |
Mc Graw Hill |
31533 |
Instructor's Manual Interaction Access : Grammar
2002 |
Cheryl Pavlik |
Mc Graw Hill |
31534 |
Instructor's Manual interactions 1 : Grammar
2002 |
Deborah Gordon and Cheryl Pavlix |
Mc Graw Hill |
31535 |
Interactions Access : Grammar
2002 |
Patricia k.Werner and John P.Nelson |
Mc Graw hill |
31536 |
Interactions 1 : Grammar
2002 |
Elaine Kirn and Darcy Jack |
Mc Graw Hill |
31537 |
Interactions 1 : listening / speaking
2002 |
Judith Tanka and Paul Most |
Mc Graw hill |
31538 |
Interactions Access : Listening/speaking
2002 |
Emily Austin Thrush and Laurie Blass |
Mc Graw hill |
31539 |
Instructor's manual interactions Access : Listening / speaking
2002 |
John Chapman |
Mc Graw Hill |
31540 |
Instructor's Manual Interactions 1 : listening / speaking
2002 |
John Chapman |
Mc Graw Hill |
31541 |
Instructor's Manual Interactions 2 : Listening / speaking
2002 |
John Chapman |
Mc Graw Hill |
31542 |
Opportunities : Elementary (Teacher's Book)
2002 |
Patricia Mugglestone |
Longman, Pearson Education Limited - Spain |
31543 |
Opportunities : Upper Intermediate (Teacher's Book)
2002 |
Patricia Mugglestone |
Longman, Pearson Education Limited - England |
31544 |
Opportunities : Beginner (Language Powerbook)
2002 |
Amanda Maris |
Longman, Pearson Education Limited - England |
31545 |
Opportunities : Upper Intermediate (Language Powerbook)
2002 |
Michael Harris and David Mower |
Longman, Pearson Education Limited - England |
31546 |
Opportunities : Beginner (Teacher's Book)
2002 |
Patricia Mugglestone |
Longman, Pearson Education Limited - England |
31547 |
Opportunities : Beginner (Students' Book0
2002 |
Michael Harris and David Mower |
Longman, Pearson Education Limited - England |
31548 |
Opportunities : Upper Intermediate (Students' Book)
2002 |
Michael Harris and David Mower |
Longman, Pearson Education Limited - England |
31549 |
Interactions Access : Reading/Writing
2002 |
Michael Ryall |
McGraw Hill Contemporary - New York |
31550 |
Interaction 1 : Writing
2002 |
Cheryl Pavlik and Margaret keenan Segal |
McGraw Hill Contemporary - New York |