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Number of items : 60078
No Judul Tahun Penulis Penerbit
31501 Prinsip dasar manajemen pemasaran hasil-hasil pertanian: teori dan aplikasinya 2002 Soekartawi PT RajaGrafindo Persada - Jakarta
31502 International Marketing and Export Management 2002 Albaum, Gerald and Strandskov, Jesper Prentice Hall
31503 Foundations of Financial Markets and Institutions 2002 Fabozzi, Frank J. and Modigliani, Franco Prentice Hall
31504 Sistem Pengendalian Manajemen: Suatu Pendekatan Praktis 2002 Sukarno, Edy PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama - Jakarta
31505 Southeast Asian Perspectives On Scurity 2002 CUNHA, Derek da Iseas - Singapore
31506 Business Letters for Busy People: Time Saving, Ready-to-Use Letters For Any Occasion 2002 Carey, John A. CAREER PRESS
31507 Kleppner's Advertising Procedure 2002 Russell, J. Thomas Prentice Hall
31508 Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia 2 2002 Mathis, Robert L. and Jackson, John H. Salemba Empat - Jakarta
31509 Perencanaan Wilayah Di Indonesia Pada Masa Sekitar Krisis 2002 Nurzaman, Siti Sutriah ITB - Bandung
31510 Landscape Graphics: Plan, Section, and Perspective Drawing of Landscape Spaces 2002 FASLA, Grant W. Reid Watson-Guptill Publications - USA
31511 Iqbal, dalam pandangan para pemikir syi'ah 2002 Khamene'i, Ali Al-Huda - jakarta
31512 Understanding islamic sciences 2002 Mutahhari, Murtada ICAS Press - London
31513 BUSTAN taman bunga kebajikan 2002 Shirazi, Syeikh Musliuddin Sa'di Vavila - Yogyakarta
31514 Ombudsman Indonesia 2002 Sujata Antonius and Masthuri Budhi Komisi Ombudsman Nasional - Jakarta
31515 Wujuh Al I'jaz fi al khithab al uslubi wal ma'rifi lil quranil karim 2002 Husain, Nashruddin ahmad Al Jamiah al islamiyah - kuala lumpur
31516 Oxford english for information technology : Teacher's Guide 2002 Eric H.Gledinning and John McEwan Oxford University Press - Newyork
31517 Timed readings plus 2002 Edward Spargo Mc Graw Hill - North America
31518 International Relations 2002 GRIFFIHT, Martin Routledge - London
31519 Media & Human Rights in Asia 2002 Asian Media Internasional - Singapore
31520 Anne Green of Gables 2002 L.M. Montgomery Penguin Book - england
31521 Man from the South and Other Stories 2002 Roald Dahl Pearson Education limited with Penguin Books - England
31522 English for Everyday Activities : A Picture Process Dictionary 2002 Lawrence J. Zwier New Reader Press - Amerika
31523 The Mummy Returns 2002 John Whitman Pearson education Limited with Penguin Books - England
31524 An Ideal Husband 2002 Oscar Wilde Pearson Education Limited with Penguin Books - England
31525 Mosaic 1 : Grammar 2002 Patricia K.Werner and Lou Spaventa McGraw-Hill - Amerika
31526 Understanding and Using Grammar (With Answer Key) 2002 Betty Schrampfer Azar Longman - Newyork
31527 Death in Midsummer and Other Stories 2002 Yukio Mishima Tuttle - Tokyo
31528 Mosaic 2 : Listening/speaking 2002 JAmi Hanreddy and Elizabeth Whalley McGraw Hill - Amerika
31529 Gogo Loves English 6 2002 Stanton Procter and Melanie graham Longman Pearson Education - Hong Kong
31530 Gogo Loves English 6 (Workbook) 2002 John Potter Longman Pearson Education - Hong Kong
31531 Gogo Loves english 5 (Teacher's Book) 2002 Masako Hiraki and Stanton Procter Longman Pearson Education - Hong Kong
31532 Instructor's Manual interactions 2 : Grammar 2002 Cheryl Pavlik Mc Graw Hill
31533 Instructor's Manual Interaction Access : Grammar 2002 Cheryl Pavlik Mc Graw Hill
31534 Instructor's Manual interactions 1 : Grammar 2002 Deborah Gordon and Cheryl Pavlix Mc Graw Hill
31535 Interactions Access : Grammar 2002 Patricia k.Werner and John P.Nelson Mc Graw hill
31536 Interactions 1 : Grammar 2002 Elaine Kirn and Darcy Jack Mc Graw Hill
31537 Interactions 1 : listening / speaking 2002 Judith Tanka and Paul Most Mc Graw hill
31538 Interactions Access : Listening/speaking 2002 Emily Austin Thrush and Laurie Blass Mc Graw hill
31539 Instructor's manual interactions Access : Listening / speaking 2002 John Chapman Mc Graw Hill
31540 Instructor's Manual Interactions 1 : listening / speaking 2002 John Chapman Mc Graw Hill
31541 Instructor's Manual Interactions 2 : Listening / speaking 2002 John Chapman Mc Graw Hill
31542 Opportunities : Elementary (Teacher's Book) 2002 Patricia Mugglestone Longman, Pearson Education Limited - Spain
31543 Opportunities : Upper Intermediate (Teacher's Book) 2002 Patricia Mugglestone Longman, Pearson Education Limited - England
31544 Opportunities : Beginner (Language Powerbook) 2002 Amanda Maris Longman, Pearson Education Limited - England
31545 Opportunities : Upper Intermediate (Language Powerbook) 2002 Michael Harris and David Mower Longman, Pearson Education Limited - England
31546 Opportunities : Beginner (Teacher's Book) 2002 Patricia Mugglestone Longman, Pearson Education Limited - England
31547 Opportunities : Beginner (Students' Book0 2002 Michael Harris and David Mower Longman, Pearson Education Limited - England
31548 Opportunities : Upper Intermediate (Students' Book) 2002 Michael Harris and David Mower Longman, Pearson Education Limited - England
31549 Interactions Access : Reading/Writing 2002 Michael Ryall McGraw Hill Contemporary - New York
31550 Interaction 1 : Writing 2002 Cheryl Pavlik and Margaret keenan Segal McGraw Hill Contemporary - New York

Number of items : 60078