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Number of items : 60068
No Judul Tahun Penulis Penerbit
32651 Proses & dokumentasi keperawatan. Konsep & praktik 2001 NURSALAM Salemba Medika
32652 Sastra Indonesia. Buku Pintar 2001 [Tidak Terdaftar] Kompas Indonesia
32653 H.B. Jassin Harga diri sastra Indonesia 2001 JASSIN, H B INDONESIATERA
32654 Seks untuk lansia 2001 SUPARTO Remadja Karya
32655 Sosialisme relegius. Suatu jalan keempat? 2001 HATTA, Mohammad KREASI WACANA
32656 Kemenangan Kapitalisme dan Demokrasi Liberal 2001 FUKUYAMA, Francis QALAM
32657 Ushulul - Fiqhil - Islami 2001 ZAHILI, Wahbah DARUL FIKR, Damaskus
32658 Accountability in Social Research : Issues and Debates 2001 ROMM, Norma R.A kluwer academic publiser
32659 Al-Burhan fi Ulumil Qur'an I - IV 2001 ZAKARSYI, Abdullah Darul Kutub Al-Iemiyah, Beirut
32660 Computer Networking : A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet 2001 KUROSE, James F Addison-Wesly Pub
32661 Understanding Programming : An Introduction Using C ++ 2001 CANNON, Scott Brooks/ Cole Publishing Comp.
32662 Boost Your Vocabulary 1 2001 BARKER, Chris Penguin English
32663 Boost Your Vocabulary 2 2001 BARKER, Chris Penguin English
32664 Using Surveys in Language Programs 2001 BROWN, James Dean Cambridge University Press
32665 Commercial bank financial management in the financial-services industry 2001 SINKEY, Joseph F PRENTICE HALL
32666 Buku Ajar Keperawatan Medikal-Bedah Bruner & Suddarth Vol. I 2001 [Tidak Terdaftar] EGC
32667 Explorations in microeconomics 2001 WILLIS, James F [Tidak Terdaftar]
32668 Buku Ajar Keperawatan Medikal-Bedah Brunner & Suddarth Vo.2 2001 [Tidak Terdaftar] EGC
32669 Syatems architectur 2001 BURD, Stephen D Thomson Gale
32670 Environmental Engineering Science 2001 NAZAROFF, William W John Wiley & Sons
32671 Landscape ecology in agroecosystems management 2001 RYSZKOWSKI, Lech CRC Press
32672 The McGraw-Hill Civil Engineering PE Exam Depth Guide : Structural Engineering 2001 LWIN, M. Myint McGraw - Hill Book Company
32673 Internet & world wide WEB how to program 2001 DEITEL, H M PRENTICE HALL
32674 Cancer chemotherapy & biotherapy 2001 CHABNER, Bruce A Lippincot Williams & Wilkins
32675 Fun Class Activities 1 : Games and Activities with laughter 2001 WATCYN-JONES, Peter Penguin English
32676 Statistics for business and economics 2001 McClave, James PRENTICE HALL
32677 Islam & civilsociety in souttheast Asia 2001 MITSUO, Nakamura Institute Southeast Asian Studies
32678 Budgeting concepts for nurse managers 2001 FINKLER, Steven A Saunders
32679 Merritt's neurology handbook 2001 MAZZONI, Pietro Lippincot Williams & Wilkins
32680 Sales management. Analysis and decision making 2001 INGRAM, Thomas N Harcourt Brace College Pub.
32681 Marketing channels 2001 COUGHLAN, Anne T PRENTICE HALL
32682 Sobotta. Atlas of human anatomy Vol.1 2001 PUTZ, R Lippincot Williams & Wilkins
32683 Sobotta. Atlas of human anatomy. Vol. 2. Trunk, Viscera, Lower limb 2001 PUTZ, R Lippincot Williams & Wilkins
32684 Speciality rices of the world. Breeding, production and marketing 2001 CHAUDHARY, R C Science Press
32685 Nutrition Almanac 2001 DUNNE, Lavon J McGraw - Hill Book Company
32686 Islam inklusif. Menuju sikap terbuka dalam beragama 2001 SHIHAB, Alwi Mizan
32687 Tariqat sanusiyyah. Penggerak pembaharuan Islam 2001 ZIADEH, Nicola A srigunting
32688 Mozaik ajaran tasawuf 2001 ERNEST, Carl W srigunting
32689 Perspektif Islam tentang pola hubungan guru-murid. Studi pemikiran tasawuf Al-Ghazali 2001 NATA, H. Abuddin RAJAWALI
32690 Ilmu Kalam, Filsafat, Dan Tasawuf (Dirasah Islamiyah IV) 2001 NATA, H. Abuddin RAJAWALI - Jakarta
32691 Pengantar ilmu sejarah 2001 KUNTOWIJOYO Bentang
32692 Mistisisme Jawa. Ideologi di Indonesia 2001 MULDER, Niels LKiS
32693 Psycho analisa Al-Ghazali. Sofisme holistic 2001 MANAF, Muhsin [Tidak Terdaftar]
32694 KeNabian terakhir 2001 MUTHAHHARI, Murtadha Lentera
32695 Pergolakan tauhid kaum sunni. Mengadili orang-orang mukmin bermaksiat 2001 TAIMIYAH, Ibnu Titian Illahi Press
32696 Komunikasi data dan komputer. Dasar-dasar komunikasi data 2001 Stallings, William Salemba Teknika
32697 Dana pensiun dan jaminan sosial tenaga kerja di indonesia 2001 WAHAB, Zulaini Citra Aditya Bakti
32698 Matematika Diskrit Jilid 1 : seri penyelesaian soal schaum 2001 LIPSCHUTZ, Seymour Salemba Teknika
32699 Manajemen Biaya Buku 2 2001 Hansen, Don R and Mowen, Maryanne M Salemba Empat - Jakarta
32700 Clinician's guide to Substance Abuse 2001 SMITH, David E McGraw-Hill International

Number of items : 60068