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Number of items : 60068
No Judul Tahun Penulis Penerbit
33401 Strategic management. Competitiveness and globalization 2001 HITT, Michael A South-Western Pub
33402 Agricultural use of groundwater 2001 DOSI, Cesare kluwer academic publiser
33403 Lisesnsi. Seri hukum bisnis 2001 WIDJAYA, Gunawan RAJAWALI
33404 Kitab undang-undang otonomi daerah 1999 - 2001 Kitab 2 2001 KANSIL, C S T Pradnya Paramita
33405 Cara menulis kreatif 2001 JABROHIM Pustaka Pelajar
33406 Status hak dan pembebasan tanah 2001 SOIMIN, Soedharyo Sinar Grafika - Jakarta
33407 Punishment & sentencing: a Rational approach 2001 BAGARIC, Mirko Golden Terayon Press
33408 Building on the decade of dsclosure in criminal procedure 2001 ARNOLD, John CAVENDISH Pub
33409 Criminal manual 2001 [Tidak Terdaftar] UNIVERSAL LAW Pub.
33410 Management and organizational behavior 2001 COOK, Curtis W McGraw - Hill Book Company
33411 Potret perempuan. Tinjauan politik, ekonomi, hukum di zaman orde baru 2001 [Tidak Terdaftar] Pustaka Pelajar
33412 Bertumbuh melawan arus. Suatu biografi Soedarpo Sastrosatomo 2001 SASTROSATOMO, Soedarpo [Tidak Terdaftar]
33413 Penyucian jiwa (Tazkiyat al-Nafs) dan Kesehatan Mental 2001 JAELANI, A F AMZAH
33414 Landscape ekonomi & politik dalamkrisis & transisi 2001 SADLI, M Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
33415 Core review for neonatal intensive care nursing 2001 WATSON, Robin L W.B Sounders Comp
33416 Mastering public speaking 2001 GRICE, George L PEARSON EDUCATIONS, Ink
33417 Intercultural communication in the global workplace 2001 BEAMER, Linda McGraw - Hill Book Company
33418 The Global divergence of democracies 2001 DIAMOND, Larry The Johns Hopkins University Press - London
33419 Otonomi sumberdaya hutan 2001 [Tidak Terdaftar] DEBUT Press - Yogyakarta
33420 Planet kita kesehatan kita. Laporan komisi WHO mengenai kesehatan dan lingkungan 2001 [Tidak Terdaftar] Gadjah Mada University Press
33421 Melindungi lingkungan dengan menerapkan ISO 14001 2001 SUNU, Pramudya Grasindo
33422 Pengelolaan sumber daya wilayah pesisir dan lautan secara terpadu 2001 DAHURI, Rokhmin Pradnya Paramita
33423 Encyclopaedia of Mass media and communication 1-4 2001 KUMAR, Arvind Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd.
33424 Justice, Community, and Dialogue in International Relations 2001 SHAPCOTT, Richard Cambridge University Press
33425 Seeding Solutions Volume 2. Options for national laws governing control over genetic resources and biological innovations 2001 [Tidak Terdaftar] International Development Research Centre
33426 Agricultural Science Policy: Changing Global Agendas 2001 ALSTON, Julian M The Johns Hopkins University Press
33427 Biokimia Darah 2001 SADIKIN, Mohammad Widya Medika
33428 Penuntun Laboratorium Klinik 2001 GANDASOEBRATA, R Dian Rakyat
33429 Clinical Physiology Of Acid-Base And Electrolyte Disorders 2001 ROSE, Burton David McGraw-Hill International
33430 The Media in your life an introduction to mass communication 2001 FOLKERTS, Jean Allyn and Bacon
33431 Representative government in modern Europe. Institutions, Parties, and Governments 2001 GALLAGHER, Michael McGraw - Hill Book Company
33432 Health care principles ethics and problems 2001 GARRETT, Thomas M PRENTICE HALL
33433 Qutcomes management. Applications to clinical praktice 2001 WOJNER, Anne W Mosby Year Book
33434 Development Through the lifespan 2001 BERK, Laura E Allyn and Bacon
33435 Palliative nursing: bringing comfort and hope 2001 KINGHORN, Shaun Bailliere Tindall
33436 Community health nursing. Concepts and practice 2001 ALLENDER, Judith Ann LIPPINCOTT
33437 Basic & clinical biostatistics. A Lange medical book 2001 DAWSON, Beth McGraw - Hill Book Company
33438 Promoting Men's health A Guide for practitioners 2001 DAVIDSON, Neil Bailliere Tindall
33439 2001 Lippincott's Nursing Drug guide 2001 KARCH, Amy M LIPPINCOTT
33440 2001 Lippincott's Nursing Drug Guide 2001 KARCH, Amy M LIPPINCOTT
33441 Study guide for introduction to critical care nursing 2001 ZINN, Howard W.B Sounders Comp
33442 Publication manual of the American psychological Association 2001 [Tidak Terdaftar] [Tidak Terdaftar]
33443 Oncology nursing 2001 OTTO JOHNSON (Edit) Mosby Year Book
33444 Nursing care planning guides. For adults in acute, extended and home care settings 2001 ULRICH, Susan Puderbaugh W.B Sounders Comp
33445 Applied Tribology : Bearing Design And Lubrication 2001 KHONSARI, Michael M John Wiley & Sons
33446 Gyn Oncology Handbook 2001 SANTOSO, Joseph T McGraw - Hill Book Company
33447 Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) : Hand Book 2001 [Tidak Terdaftar] TDR Worl Health Organization
33448 Organisasi komputer terstruktur I 2001 TANENBAUM, Andrew S salemba infotek
33449 Sistem Informasi Akuntansi I 2001 HALL, James A Salemba Empat
33450 Islam & wealth The balanced approach to wealth creation, accumulation and distribution 2001 AFFANDI, Nik Mohamed Pelangi

Number of items : 60068