37501 |
Globalizing Care : Ethnics, Feminist Theory and International Relations
1999 |
Fiona Robinson |
Westview Press - Oxford |
37502 |
Regionalism in the Post-Cold War World
1999 |
Stephen C Calleya |
Ashgate |
37503 |
Sovereignty Organized Hypocrisy
1999 |
Stephen D. Krasner |
Princenton University Press - Princenton |
37504 |
Anarchy, State, and Utopia
1999 |
Robert Nozick |
Blackwell - Oxford |
37505 |
Bringing Transnational Relations Back In : Non-State Actors, Domestic Structure and International Institutions
1999 |
Thomas Risse Kappen |
Cambridge University Press - London |
37506 |
History and International Relations
1999 |
Thomas W. Smith |
Routledge - London and New York |
37507 |
Poltics, Evolution a Darwinian Left and Cooperation
1999 |
Peter Singer |
Yale University Press - London |
37508 |
The Power of Human Rights: International Norms and Domestic Change
1999 |
Thomas Risse |
Cambridge University Press - London |
37509 |
The Social Construction of What
1999 |
Ian Hacking |
Harvard University Press - London |
37510 |
Measurement in Psychology: A Critical History of a Methodological Concept
1999 |
Joel Michell |
Cambridge University Press - London |
37511 |
The Nation-State and Global Order
: A Historical Introduction to Contemporary Politics
1999 |
Walter C. Opelo. JR. and Stephen J. Rosow |
Lynne Rienner Publishers |
37512 |
Security, Strategy and Critical Theory
1999 |
Richard Wyn Jones |
Lynne Rienne Publishers |
37513 |
Australian Foreign and Defense Policy in The Wake of The 1999/2000 East Timor Intervention
1999 |
Peter Chalk |
37514 |
Theorizing Nationalism
1999 |
Ronald Beiner |
State University of New York Press - New York |
37515 |
Twentieth Century: The History of The World, 1901 to 2000
1999 |
J. M. Roberts |
Viking - New York |
37516 |
Menuju Masyarakat Kewarganegaraan
1999 |
Afnan Malay |
LP3Y Asia Foundation |
37517 |
Legal Rules and International Society
1999 |
Anthony Clark Arend |
Oxford University Press - New York |
37518 |
Empire And Community : Edmund Burke's Writings and speeches on international relations
1999 |
David P. Fidler and Jennifer M. Welsh |
Westview press - Oxford |
37519 |
Isra' dan Mi'radj K.N. Muhammad SAW
1999 |
Dahlan Mgn. |
Muhammadiyah |
37520 |
Pesona keindahan
1999 |
Ibrahim bin abdullah al-hazmi |
Pustaka azzam |
37521 |
Menuju Masyarakat terbuka : lacak jejak pembaruan sosial di Indonesia
1999 |
A Didid Adi Dananto |
Ashoka Indonesia - Yogyakarta1 |
37522 |
Jaringan Konspirasi menentang islam
1999 |
Sa'duddin As-Sayyid Shalih |
Wihdah press - yogyakarta |
37523 |
Presence and Presentation Women In The Chinese Literati Tradition
1999 |
St Martin Press - New York |
37524 |
Jihad: The Origin of Holy War in Islam
1999 |
Firestone, Reuven |
Oxford - Oxford |
37525 |
The 21 Indispensable Qualities of A Leader
1999 |
John C. Maxwell |
Harper Collins Leadership - USA |
37526 |
Communication Planning : An Integrated Approach
1999 |
Sherry Devereaux Ferguson |
Sage |
37527 |
Lokalisasi Kebudayaan Global
1999 |
Abdullah, Irwan |
Universitas Widya Mataram - Yogyakarta |
37528 |
Kegiatan Upacara Adat Daerah Propinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta
1999 |
Murniatmo, Gatot |
Dinas Kebudayaan DIY - Yogyakarta |
37529 |
Hasil Penelitian Dinasti Ghaznawi
1999 |
Yusuf, Mundzirin |
UIN SUKA - Yogyakarta |
37530 |
Kuasa, Tuna Kuasa, dan Demokratisasi Kekuasaan
1999 |
Rais, Amin |
UGM - Yogyakarta |
37531 |
Lillian Too's Feng Shui Good Fortune Symbols
1999 |
Too, Lillian |
Elex Media Komputindo - Jakarta |
37532 |
Tantangan Pembangunan dan Upaya Menyiapkan Sumber Daya Manusia yang Handal dan Berakhlakul Karimah Menuju Indonesia Baru
1999 |
Hawari, Dadang |
UAD - Yogyakarta |
37533 |
Management Challenges for the 21st Century
1999 |
Drucker, Peter F. |
Perfectbound - California |
37534 |
Konflik dan Rekonsiliasi NU-Muhammadiyah (Sebuah Kajian Kontemplatif)
1999 |
Sjamsudduha, H. |
Bina Ilmu - Surabaya |
37535 |
Al Farju Baina Asy Syiddah wa Adh Dhiqah
1999 |
Al Hazimiy, Ibrahim Bin Abdullah |
Dar Asy Syouruq - Kairo |
37536 |
Menyelamatkan Kota-Kota Islam
1999 |
Antoniou, Jim |
Idayus - Paris |
37537 |
Membangun Ilmu Komunikasi dan Sosiologi
1999 |
Ana Nadhya Abrar (Ed) |
Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta - Yogyakarta |
37538 |
The Great Disruption: Human Nature and The Reconstitution of Social Order
1999 |
Francis Fukuyama |
Profile Books |
37539 |
The Grameen Reader: Training Materials for the International Replication of the Grameen Bank Financial System for Reduction of Rural Poverty
1999 |
Grameen Bank - Bangladesh |
37540 |
The Understanding and Management of Global Violence
1999 |
Harvey Starr (ed.) |
Macmillan - London |
37541 |
World Telecommunications Economics
1999 |
Wheatley, Jeffery J. |
The Institution of Electrical Engineers - UK |
37542 |
Globalization and The Asian Economic Crisis
1999 |
Geoffrey B. Hainsworth (ed.) |
CSEAR - Canada |
37543 |
The Global Construction of Gender
1999 |
Prugl, Elisabeth |
Columbia University Press - New York |
37544 |
Max Weber and the Culture of Anarchy
1999 |
Sam Whimster (ed.) |
Macmillan Press - London |
37545 |
Southeast Asian-Centred Economies or Economics?
1999 |
Mason C. Hoadley (ed.) |
37546 |
The Future of Global Conflict
1999 |
Bornschier, Volker |
SAGE - London |
37547 |
Resisting McDonalization
1999 |
Barry Smart (ed.) |
SAGE - London |
37548 |
Community Under A narchy, transnational identity and the evolution of cooperation
1999 |
Bruce Cronin |
University Pres - Columbia |
37549 |
Qualitative Sociology as Everyday Life
1999 |
Barry Glassner and Rosanna Hertz |
SAGE Publications - California |
37550 |
1100 Hadits Terpilih
1999 |
Muhammad Faiz Almath |
Gema Insani Press - Jakarta |