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Number of items : 60050
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37501 Globalizing Care : Ethnics, Feminist Theory and International Relations 1999 Fiona Robinson Westview Press - Oxford
37502 Regionalism in the Post-Cold War World 1999 Stephen C Calleya Ashgate
37503 Sovereignty Organized Hypocrisy 1999 Stephen D. Krasner Princenton University Press - Princenton
37504 Anarchy, State, and Utopia 1999 Robert Nozick Blackwell - Oxford
37505 Bringing Transnational Relations Back In : Non-State Actors, Domestic Structure and International Institutions 1999 Thomas Risse Kappen Cambridge University Press - London
37506 History and International Relations 1999 Thomas W. Smith Routledge - London and New York
37507 Poltics, Evolution a Darwinian Left and Cooperation 1999 Peter Singer Yale University Press - London
37508 The Power of Human Rights: International Norms and Domestic Change 1999 Thomas Risse Cambridge University Press - London
37509 The Social Construction of What 1999 Ian Hacking Harvard University Press - London
37510 Measurement in Psychology: A Critical History of a Methodological Concept 1999 Joel Michell Cambridge University Press - London
37511 The Nation-State and Global Order : A Historical Introduction to Contemporary Politics 1999 Walter C. Opelo. JR. and Stephen J. Rosow Lynne Rienner Publishers
37512 Security, Strategy and Critical Theory 1999 Richard Wyn Jones Lynne Rienne Publishers
37513 Australian Foreign and Defense Policy in The Wake of The 1999/2000 East Timor Intervention 1999 Peter Chalk
37514 Theorizing Nationalism 1999 Ronald Beiner State University of New York Press - New York
37515 Twentieth Century: The History of The World, 1901 to 2000 1999 J. M. Roberts Viking - New York
37516 Menuju Masyarakat Kewarganegaraan 1999 Afnan Malay LP3Y Asia Foundation
37517 Legal Rules and International Society 1999 Anthony Clark Arend Oxford University Press - New York
37518 Empire And Community : Edmund Burke's Writings and speeches on international relations 1999 David P. Fidler and Jennifer M. Welsh Westview press - Oxford
37519 Isra' dan Mi'radj K.N. Muhammad SAW 1999 Dahlan Mgn. Muhammadiyah
37520 Pesona keindahan 1999 Ibrahim bin abdullah al-hazmi Pustaka azzam
37521 Menuju Masyarakat terbuka : lacak jejak pembaruan sosial di Indonesia 1999 A Didid Adi Dananto Ashoka Indonesia - Yogyakarta1
37522 Jaringan Konspirasi menentang islam 1999 Sa'duddin As-Sayyid Shalih Wihdah press - yogyakarta
37523 Presence and Presentation Women In The Chinese Literati Tradition 1999 St Martin Press - New York
37524 Jihad: The Origin of Holy War in Islam 1999 Firestone, Reuven Oxford - Oxford
37525 The 21 Indispensable Qualities of A Leader 1999 John C. Maxwell Harper Collins Leadership - USA
37526 Communication Planning : An Integrated Approach 1999 Sherry Devereaux Ferguson Sage
37527 Lokalisasi Kebudayaan Global 1999 Abdullah, Irwan Universitas Widya Mataram - Yogyakarta
37528 Kegiatan Upacara Adat Daerah Propinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 1999 Murniatmo, Gatot Dinas Kebudayaan DIY - Yogyakarta
37529 Hasil Penelitian Dinasti Ghaznawi 1999 Yusuf, Mundzirin UIN SUKA - Yogyakarta
37530 Kuasa, Tuna Kuasa, dan Demokratisasi Kekuasaan 1999 Rais, Amin UGM - Yogyakarta
37531 Lillian Too's Feng Shui Good Fortune Symbols 1999 Too, Lillian Elex Media Komputindo - Jakarta
37532 Tantangan Pembangunan dan Upaya Menyiapkan Sumber Daya Manusia yang Handal dan Berakhlakul Karimah Menuju Indonesia Baru 1999 Hawari, Dadang UAD - Yogyakarta
37533 Management Challenges for the 21st Century 1999 Drucker, Peter F. Perfectbound - California
37534 Konflik dan Rekonsiliasi NU-Muhammadiyah (Sebuah Kajian Kontemplatif) 1999 Sjamsudduha, H. Bina Ilmu - Surabaya
37535 Al Farju Baina Asy Syiddah wa Adh Dhiqah 1999 Al Hazimiy, Ibrahim Bin Abdullah Dar Asy Syouruq - Kairo
37536 Menyelamatkan Kota-Kota Islam 1999 Antoniou, Jim Idayus - Paris
37537 Membangun Ilmu Komunikasi dan Sosiologi 1999 Ana Nadhya Abrar (Ed) Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta - Yogyakarta
37538 The Great Disruption: Human Nature and The Reconstitution of Social Order 1999 Francis Fukuyama Profile Books
37539 The Grameen Reader: Training Materials for the International Replication of the Grameen Bank Financial System for Reduction of Rural Poverty 1999 Grameen Bank - Bangladesh
37540 The Understanding and Management of Global Violence 1999 Harvey Starr (ed.) Macmillan - London
37541 World Telecommunications Economics 1999 Wheatley, Jeffery J. The Institution of Electrical Engineers - UK
37542 Globalization and The Asian Economic Crisis 1999 Geoffrey B. Hainsworth (ed.) CSEAR - Canada
37543 The Global Construction of Gender 1999 Prugl, Elisabeth Columbia University Press - New York
37544 Max Weber and the Culture of Anarchy 1999 Sam Whimster (ed.) Macmillan Press - London
37545 Southeast Asian-Centred Economies or Economics? 1999 Mason C. Hoadley (ed.) NIAS
37546 The Future of Global Conflict 1999 Bornschier, Volker SAGE - London
37547 Resisting McDonalization 1999 Barry Smart (ed.) SAGE - London
37548 Community Under A narchy, transnational identity and the evolution of cooperation 1999 Bruce Cronin University Pres - Columbia
37549 Qualitative Sociology as Everyday Life 1999 Barry Glassner and Rosanna Hertz SAGE Publications - California
37550 1100 Hadits Terpilih 1999 Muhammad Faiz Almath Gema Insani Press - Jakarta

Number of items : 60050