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Number of items : 60201
No Judul Tahun Penulis Penerbit
38701 Gangguan Koping, Citra Tubuh, Dan Seksual Pada Klien Kanker 1998 KELIAT, Budi Anna EGC
38702 Studi Islam 1 : Serial Al-Islam Dan Kemuhammadiyahan 1998 Lembaga Studi Islam UMS
38703 Chronic Disease Epidemiology and Control 1998 American Public Health Association
38704 English For Nursing Academy 1998 UMM Press
38705 Tambalan Amalgam : Berbahaya Untuk Kesehatan ? 1998 BINDSLEV, Preben Horsted et al. EGC
38706 Ambulatory Care Management 1998 ROSS, Austin et al. Delmar Publishers
38707 Nursing Informatics : Computer in Health Care 1998 Springer Verlag
38708 Facial Harmony : Standards For Orthognathics Surgery and Orthodontics 1998 BRONS, Rijnko Quintessence Publishing Co.Ltd.
38709 The Human Equation : Building Profits By Putting People First 1998 PFEFFER, Jeffrey The President and Fellows of Havard College
38710 Pedoman Penulisan Resep 1998 Penerbit ITB
38711 The Prostate Answer Book : Remedies and Curres for Every Man and What Your Doctor Never Tells You About Surgery 1998 FC & A Medical Publishing
38712 Radiografi Intraoral : Teknik, Prosesing, Interpretasi Radiogram 1998 MARGONO, Gunawan EGC
38713 Supplemental Health Insurance 1998 The Health Insurance Association of America
38714 Clinical Leadership in Nursing 1998 ROCCHICCIOLI, Judith T. et.al. W.B. Saunders Company
38715 Activity Based Costing and Activity Based Management for Health Care 1998 BAKER, Judith J. An Aspen Publication
38716 Histoire des idées politiques en France au XIXe siècle 1998 Jérôme Grondeux
38717 Mati Ketawa Cara: Refotnasi 1998 Emha Ainun Nadjib Zaituna - Yogyakarta
38718 Introduction to the Reading of Lacan : 1998 Dor, Joer Other Press - Paris
38719 Toga 2 tanaman obat keluarga 1998 Budi santoso hieronymus KANISIUS - Yogyakarta
38720 Da'wah According To The Qur'an and The Sunnah 1998 Norlain and Dindang Mababaya Darussalam - Riyadh
38721 Reading Power 1998 Mikulecky, Beatrice S and Jeffries, Linda Longman
38722 Pemikiran & Peradaban Islam 1998 Munthoha and Wijayanto UII Press - Yogyakarta
38723 Air Traffic Service: Air Traffic Control Service Flight Information Service Alerating Service Annex 11 To The Conventional Civil Avitation 1998 ICAO
38724 Operation Of Aircraft Annex 6 Part III: International Operations - Helicopters 1998 ICAO
38725 Critical Care Nursing 1998 Linda M. Valenti and Michele B. Rozinski, Rosemary Tamblyn Lippincot
38726 ASM HANDBOOK Volume 14 Forming and Forging 1998 ASM International
38727 Suumuu Tasihhu 1998 Usman, Muhammad Usman Dar An Namir - Damaskus
38728 Comparative Politics theory and Methods 1998 B. Guy Peters
38729 The Political Economy of Regional Cooperation in the Middle East 1998 Ali Carkoglu, and Mine Eder Routletge - New York
38730 Pengantar Perilaku Manusia untuk Keperawatan 1998 Heri Purwanto EGC - Jakarta
38731 Hard Choices: Moral Dilemmas in Humanitarian Intervention 1998 Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. INC - New York
38732 Constructing the World Polity 1998 John Gerard uggie Routledge - Canada
38733 International Relations and Historical Sociology : Breaking Down Boundaries 1998 Stephen Hobden Routledge - London and New York
38734 Risk-Taking in International Politics : Prospect Theory in American Foreign Policy 1998 Rose McDermott Michigan - Michigan
38735 Inventing International Society : A History of The English School 1998 Tim Dunne Macmillan Press - London
38736 Critical Realism : Essential Readings 1998 Margaret Archer Routledge - London and New York
38737 The Retreat of The State : The Diffusion of Power in The World Economy 1998 Susdan Strange Cambridge University Press - London
38738 Classical Liberalism and International Economic Order : Studies in Theory and Intellectual History 1998 Razeen Sally Routledge - London and New York
38739 A World Without Meaning : The Crisis of Meaning in International Politics 1998 Zaki Laidi Routledge - London and New York
38740 Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life 1998 Giorgio Agamben
38741 Transnational Classes and International Relations 1998 Kees van Der Pijl Routledge - New York
38742 Perdagangan Mekkah, Muhammad Rasulullah dan Bangkitnya Agama Islam 1998 Ismail, Faisal UIN Sunan Kalijaga - Yogyakarta
38743 Pelecehan Seksual Hubungan Dominasi Mayoritas dan Minoritas 1998 Collier, Rohan Tiara Wacana - Yogyakarta
38744 Politik Muslim Wacana Kekuasaan dan Hegemoni dalam Masyarakat Muslim 1998 Eickelman, Dale F. Tiara Wacana - Yogyakarta
38745 Kegiatan BAZIS Dalam Pembinaan Masyarakat Desa Kepakisan, Kecamatan Batur, Kabupaten Banjarnegara JATENG 1998 Mubarokah STIAI Masjid Syuhada - Yogyakarta
38746 Bentuk-Bentuk Kesusastraan Pesantren di Jawa (Sebuah Telaah Eksploratif) 1998 Damami, Mohammad DEPDIKBUD
38747 Babad Majapahit dan Para Wali 2 1998 Prawirayuda, R. Panji Depdikbud - Jakarta
38748 Muhammadiyah Dalam Pergumulan Politik Indonesia 1998 Yusuf, Mundzirin UAD - Yogyakarta
38749 Muhammadiyah Prakarsa Besar Kyai Dahlan 1998 Riezam, Mohammad UAD - Yogyakarta
38750 Al Arabiyah Lil Hayah 1998 UIN Sunan Kalijaga - Yogyakarta

Number of items : 60201