44701 |
Aren Budidaya Dan Multigunanya
1993 |
Sunanto, Hatta |
Kanisius - Yogyakarta |
44702 |
Budidaya Pala : Komoditas Ekspor
1993 |
Sunanto, Hatta |
Kanisius - Yogyakarta |
44703 |
Pedoman Praktis Budidaya Tanaman Salak ( Salacca edulis Reinw)
1993 |
Hukum, Rusli Nyak and Nawan K |
Mahkota - Jakarta |
44704 |
Petunjuk Praktis Budidaya: Ikan Gurami
1993 |
Respati, Heri and Santoso, Budi |
Kanisius - Yogyakarta |
44705 |
Bertanam Aren
1993 |
Soeseno, Slamet |
Penebar Swadaya - Jakarta |
44706 |
Deskripsi Varitas Unggul Padi 1943-1992
1993 |
Djunainah, and Susanto,Tw |
PPPTP - Bogor |
44707 |
Modern Medicinal Chemistry
1993 |
John B.Taylor and Peter D. Kennewell |
Ellis Horwood - New York |
44708 |
Population-the Complx Reality
1993 |
Norh American Press a Division of Fulcum Publis - Amerika Utara |
44709 |
Umat Islam Patani Sejarah dan politik
1993 |
Mohd Zamberi A.Malek |
Hizbi Shah Alam - Kuala Lumpur |
44710 |
Redikalisasi Petani
1993 |
Kuntowijoyo |
Bentang - Yogyakarta |
44711 |
Bersikap islami tinjauan pedagogis & psikologis
1993 |
Ghanim, Syekh Adil Rasyad |
gema insani press - Jakarta |
44712 |
Oxford english for Electronics
1993 |
Eric H. Glending and John McEwan |
Oxford University Press - New York |
44713 |
Oxford english for Electronics : Answer book with teaching notes
1993 |
Eric H.Glendinning and John McEwan |
Oxford University Press - New York |
44714 |
Streetwise : upper-intermediate Student's Book
1993 |
Rob Nolasco |
Oxford University Press - Inggris |
44715 |
Stroke Survival Guide
1993 |
Leila Henderson |
Gore & Osment - malaysia |
44716 |
Headaches Relief at Last
1993 |
Megan Gressor |
Gore & Osment - Malaysia |
44717 |
Diabetes: Striking a Balances
1993 |
Megan Gressor |
Gore & Osment - Malaysia |
44718 |
Arthritis : The Good News
1993 |
Kerry Cook |
Gore & Osment - Malaysia |
44719 |
Bad Backs : A self-help guide
1993 |
Leila Henderson |
Gore & Osment - Malaysia |
44720 |
1993 |
Richard Attenborough |
Penguin Books - USA |
44721 |
1993 |
Clare Francis |
Pan Books - London |
44722 |
Marvin Redpost 2 : Why pick on me?
1993 |
Louis Sachar |
Random House - New york |
44723 |
Marvin Redpost 3
1993 |
Louis Sachar |
Random House - New york |
44724 |
Dictionary of Electrical Engineering
1993 |
K.L.Raina |
Crescent News - Malaysia |
44725 |
Parlons Francais
1993 |
Herpinus Simanjuntak |
Kesaint Blanc - Jakarta |
44726 |
Spectrum 1 : A Communicative Course in English (Teacher's Edition)
1993 |
Joan Dye and Nancy Frankfort |
Prentice Hall Regents - USA |
44727 |
Spectrum 2 : A Communicative Course in English (Workbook)
1993 |
Sharon Abrams and David P. Rein |
Prentice Hall Regents - USA |
44728 |
Spectrum 1 : A Communicative Course in English (Workbook)
1993 |
Sharon Abrams and David P. Rein |
Prentice Hall Regents - USA |
44729 |
World Class Level 3 : Activity Book
1993 |
Michael Haris and David Mower |
Longman |
44730 |
World Class Level 3 : Students' Book
1993 |
Michael Haris and David Mower |
Longman |
44731 |
American Chatterbox 3 (student book)
1993 |
J.A. Holderness |
Oxford University Press |
44732 |
Peran paradikma dalam revolusi sains
1993 |
Kuhn, Thomas S |
PT. Remaja Rosdakarta - Bandung |
44733 |
American Chatterbox 1 (Student Book)
1993 |
Derek Strange |
Oxford University Press - New York |
44734 |
American Chatterbox 1 (Workbook)
1993 |
Derek Strange |
Oxford University Press - New York |
44735 |
American Chatterbox 1 (Teacher's Book)
1993 |
Derek Strange |
Oxford University Press - New York |
44736 |
American Chatterbox 2 (Student Book)
1993 |
Derek Strange |
Oxford University Press - New York |
44737 |
One world : coursebook 3
1993 |
Terry Tomscha |
Prentice Hall |
44738 |
Spectrum 1 : A Communicative Course in English (Student Book)
1993 |
Diane Warshawsky and Donald R. H. Byrd |
Prentice Hall Regents - USA |
44739 |
One World :ESL and The Environment a topic Approach
1993 |
Carmel Davies |
the Adult Migrant Education |
44740 |
Desain Beton Bertulang
1993 |
WANG, Chu-Kia |
Erlangga - Jakarta |
44741 |
Integrated Solid Waste Management : Engineering Principles and Management Issues
1993 |
McGraw Hill - New York |
44742 |
Analisis Struktur Lanjutan Jilid 1
1993 |
Erlangga - Jakarta |
44743 |
Business Assigment : video guide
1993 |
David Palmer |
Oxford University Press |
44744 |
The pan dictionary of famous quotations
1993 |
Robin Hyman |
Grange Books - london |
44745 |
Biology life on earth
1993 |
Audesirk, Teresa and Audesirk, Gerald |
Prentice Hall - New Jersey |
44746 |
Himpunan Keputusan Menteri Perhubungan : Sebagai Pelaksanaan Undang-Undang Nomor 14 Tahun 1992 Tentang Lalu Lintas & Angkutan Jalan (1-18)
1993 |
Direktorat Jendral Perhubungfan Darat - Jakarta |
44747 |
Intermediate 4 being part of the world
1993 |
Penny Burhan and Annie Moertoyo |
Yayasan Lia |
44748 |
Advanced 1 our personal welfare
1993 |
Penny Burhan and Riani Inkiriwang |
Lembaga Bhasa Lia |
44749 |
Budidaya tanaman sayuran
1993 |
Husen, Syarif and Endro Susilo |
Fak. Pertanian UMM - Malang Jawa Timur |
44750 |
For Asphalt Concrete and Other Hot-Mix Types
1993 |
Aspalt Institute - Lexington |