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Number of items : 60046
No Judul Tahun Penulis Penerbit
45751 International Relations : the Global Condition in the late twentieth century 1992 Pearson, Frederic S McGraw-Hill - Tokyo
45752 The Management of operations : a conceptual emphasis 1992 Meredith, Jack R John Wiley & sons - New York
45753 Predictive Control : A Unifie Approach 1992 SOETERBOEK, Ronald Prentice Hall - New York
45754 Model Reference Adaptive Control : From Theory to Practice 1992 BUTLER, Hans Prentice Hall - New York
45755 Fast and LS TTL Data 1992 [Tidak Terdaftar] Motorola
45756 Silsilah ta'lim al lughoh al 'arabiyah: Durus Min Al Quran Al Karim 1992 Lembaga Dakwah dan taklim
45757 Silsilah ta'lim al lughoh al 'arabiyah: Al HAdits 1992 Lembaga Dakwah dan taklim
45758 Keadilan Ilahi asas pandangan dunia islam 1992 Muthahhari, Murtadha Mizan - Bandung
45759 Citra Muslim tinjauan sejarah dan sosiologi 1992 Ahmed, Akbar S Erlangga - Jakarta
45760 Runtuhnya mitos politik santri 1992 Abdul Munir Mulkhan
45761 Pajak dan Perilaku menunggak : studi kasus karanganyar dan sukoharjo 1992 Lembaga penelitian UMS - Surakarta
45762 70 Tahun H. Buchari Tamam : Menjawab Panggilan Risalah 1992 Hakiem, Lukman Media Da'wah - Jakarta
45763 Principles of human communication 1992 Robert E. Smith Kendall Publishing company
45764 Menggugat keberadaan jamaah-jamaah islam 1992 Ali bin Hasan Al-Halaby Al Atsry Pustaka Al Kautsar
45765 Nikah Mut'ah dalam islam : kajian ilmiah dari berbagai mazhab 1992 Al-Amili, Ja'far murtadha yayasan as-sajjad - Jakarta
45766 Zakat dan pajak 1992 Munawir Sjadzali PT. Bina Rena Pariwara
45767 Essential of Labor relations 1992 Mollie H. Bowers De Cenzo
45768 Nursing Staff Development Strategies for Success 1992 Abruzzese Mosby-Year Book
45769 Development infancy an introduction 1992 March H. Bornstein McGraw-Hill
45770 Neurons and networks 1992 John E. Dowling The Belknap press
45771 Annual Conference on development economics 1992 Lawrence H. Summer The World Bank
45772 The Patriots Revolution 1992 Mark Frankland Elephant paperbacks
45773 Essays in Presidential Rhetoric 1992 Theodore Windt Kendall Hunt Publishing
45774 A Guide to canadian architectural styles 1992 Leslie Maitland Broadview press
45775 Cecil review of general internal medicine 1992 J. Allen D. Cooper W.B. Saunders company
45776 food, butrition and diet therapy 1992 L. Kathleen Mahan and Marian Arlin
45777 close to the customer 1992 James H. Donnely
45778 Plagiat-plagiat di MIT : tragedi akademis di Indonesia 1992 Ismet Fanany Haji Masagung - Jakarta
45779 Al Asasu fis sunnah wa fiqhih Jilid I- III 1992 hawwa, Said Darus salam
45780 Terjemah sunan at tirmidzi jilid 11 1992 Tirmidzi CV.SAY SYIFA SEMARANG - Semarang
45781 Al Islamu wa musykalatul chad 1992 Sayyid Qutb Darusy Syuruq - Beirut
45782 Dirasat Islamiyah 1992 Sayyid Qutb Darusy Syuruq - Beirut
45783 Al Ruh 1992 Ibnul Qoyim Al Jauziyah darul Fikri - Beirut
45784 Al Maurid :kamus inggris-arab 1992 Ba'albaqi, Munir Darul 'Ilm - Beirut
45786 Berpikir & Berjiwa Besar 1992 David J Schwartz Binarupa Aksara - jakarta
45787 An Nukat wa al Uyun Tafsir Mawardi 1992 Abu al Hasan al Mawardi Dâr al-Kutub al-‘Ilmiyyah - Beirut, Libanon
45788 Seismic Design of Reinforced Concerete and Masonry Buildings 1992 PAULAY, T. and PRIESTLEY, M. J. N John Wiley & Sons - Canada
45789 Negotiation Theory and Strategy 1992 Korobkin Walter Kwuwer - -
45790 Twentieth-Century Speeches 1992 Briam Macarthur Penguin Book - New York
45791 Political Ideologies : An Introduction 1992 Heywood, Andrew Macmillan - London
45792 History of Southeast Asia : The nineteenth and twentieth centuries 1992 Tarling, Nicholas Cambridge University Press
45793 Encyclopedia of Educational Research Volume 1 1992 Marvin C. Alkin Macmillan Publishing Company - New York
45794 Encyclopedia Of Educational Research Volume 2 1992 Marvin C. Alkin Macmillan Publishing company - New York
45795 Encyclopedia Of Educational Research Volume 3 1992 Marvin C. Alkin Macmillan Publishing Company - New York
45796 Encyclopedia Of Educational research volume 4 1992 Marvin C. Alkin Macmillan Publishing Company - New York
45797 The Cambridge history of southeast Asia 1992 Nicholas Tarling Cambridge university press
45798 Pengantar Filsafat Ekonomi 1992 Save M. Dagun Rineka Cipta - Jakarta
45799 Seluk-Beluk Al-Qur'an 1992 Zainal Abidin Rineka Cipta - Jakarta
45800 Keputusan tentang konsep dan pola dasar penmdidikan tenaga kesehatan 1992 PP Muhamamdiyah - Yogyakarta

Number of items : 60046