47601 |
Kuasa-Kata Jelajah Budaya-Budaya Politik di Indonesia
1990 |
Anderson, Benedict R. O'G |
Mata Bangsa |
47602 |
Rules of The Air Annex 2
1990 |
47603 |
Hugo Grotius and International Relations
1990 |
Hedley Bull |
Clarendon Press - Oxford |
47604 |
Value and Justification The Foundations of Liberal Theory
1990 |
Gerald F. Gaus |
Cambridge University Press - New York |
47605 |
The Power of Legitimacy Among Nations
1990 |
Thomas F. Frank |
Oxford University press - New York |
47606 |
Liberating Systems Theory
1990 |
Robert L. Flood |
Springer - New York |
47607 |
The Rise and Decline of The Nationa State
1990 |
Basic Blawell - Massachusettes |
47608 |
Themes in Modern European History : 1830 - 1890
1990 |
Routledge - London and New York |
47609 |
Explaining and Understanding International Relations
1990 |
Martin Hollis and Steve Smith |
Clarendon Press - Oxford |
47610 |
Musyawarah Wilayah Muhammadiyah Jawa Tengah
1990 |
PP Muhammadiyah |
47611 |
1990 |
PP Muhammadiyah |
47612 |
Keputusan Rapat Kerja Nasional VIII Majlis PKU Muhammadiyah 1990 di Jakarta
1990 |
PP Muhammadiyah |
47613 |
International Trade The Changing Role of the United States
1990 |
APS - New York |
47614 |
Kritik Ideologi Pertautan Pengetahuan dan Kepentingan
1990 |
Hardiman, Francisco Budi |
Kanisius - Yogyakarta |
47615 |
Life in the Javanese kraton
1990 |
Beek, Aart Van |
Oxford University Press - New York |
47616 |
The Garebegs in the Sultanaat Jogjakarta
1990 |
Tirtokoesoemo, R. Soedjono |
Koninklijk Institut |
47617 |
Amongraga Dalam Pustaka Centhini (Suatu Studi dari Aspek Mistik)
1990 |
Muzairi |
UIN Sunan Kalijaga - Yogyakarta |
47618 |
Masyarakat dan Adat Budaya Lampung
1990 |
Hadikusuma, Hilman |
Mandar Maju - Bandung |
47619 |
Moslims in Nederland
1990 |
Shadid, W.A.R. and P.S. van Koningsveld |
Alphen |
47620 |
1990 |
Wiryamartana, i. Kuntara |
Duta Wacana University Press - Yogyakarta |
47621 |
National Conference on Islam and Child Spacing
1990 |
- Mogadishu |
47622 |
Talcott Parsons dan Pemikirannya: Sebuah Pengantar
1990 |
Hadikusumo, Hartono |
Tiara Wacana - Yogyakarta |
47623 |
Tafsir Kontekstual Al Quran Sebuah Kerangka Konseptual
1990 |
Amal, Taufik Adnan and Syamsu Rizal Panggabean |
Mizan - Bandung |
47624 |
Environmental Disputes: Community Involvement in Conflict Resolution
1990 |
James E. Crowfoot |
Island Press - Washington |
47625 |
Percikan Pemikiran FISIPOL UGM Tentang Pembangunan
1990 |
Amal, Ichlasul |
FISIPOL UGM - Yogyakarta |
47626 |
Society for International Development
1990 |
- Jakarta |
47627 |
Critical Issues in Social Theory
1990 |
Rhoads, John K. |
Pennsylvania Press - Pennsylvania |
47628 |
Conflict: Human Needs Theory
1990 |
Burton |
St. Martin's Press - Virginia |
47629 |
Social Change and Development
1990 |
Y. So, Alvin |
SAGE - London |
47630 |
Industrialization As An Agent of Social Change
1990 |
Blumer, Herbert |
Aldine de Gruyter - New York |
47631 |
The Politics of Middle Class Indonesia
1990 |
Richard Tanter and Kenneth Young |
Centre of Southest Asian Studies - Victoria |
47632 |
Governing the Commons
1990 |
Elinor Ostrom |
Cambridge University Press - Cambridge |
47633 |
Entrepeneurship and Indian Muslims
1990 |
Akbar, M. |
Manak Publications - Jaipur |
47634 |
Conflict Over Natural Resources in South-East Asia and the Pacific
1990 |
Lim Teck Ghee (ed.) |
Manila University Press - Manila |
47635 |
Sosiologi Ekonomi
1990 |
Smelser, J. |
Wira Sari |
47636 |
Agroforestry In Africa: A Survey of Project Experience
1990 |
Kerkhof, Paul |
PANOS - London |
47637 |
States and Social Revolutions : A Compartive Analysis of France, Russia, amd China
1990 |
Skocpol, Theda |
Cambridge University Press - Cambridge |
47638 |
Laporan Kerja Direksi Rumah Sakit Islam Jakarta
1990 |
RSI Jakarta - Jakarta |
47639 |
Politics & War
1990 |
Kaiser, David |
Harvard University Press - Amerika |
47640 |
The Might of Nations: World politics in our time
1990 |
Stoessinger, John G. |
Mc Graw Hill |
47641 |
Manajemen Baiya: penekanan strategis Buku 2
1990 |
Blocher and Stout, Cokins |
Salemba Empat - USA |
47642 |
Berita Resmi Muhammadiyah: Tanfidz Keputusan Muktamar Tarjih Muhammadiyah XXII
1990 |
PP Muhammadiyah |
47643 |
Tanfidz Keputusan Silaturahmi Pimpinan Ikatan Pelajar Muhammadiyah Th. 1990 di Yogyakarta
1990 |
47644 |
Beberapa Model Pengembangan Masyarakat
1990 |
Bambang Setiaji |
Lembaga Pengabdian Masyarakat UMS - Surakarta |
47645 |
Love Story
1990 |
Erich Segal |
Oxford - New York |
47646 |
Jane Eyre
1990 |
Charlotte Bronte |
Oxford - New York |
47647 |
The Secret Soldier: The Story of Deborah Sampson
1990 |
McGovern, Ann |
Scholastic - New York |
47648 |
Esio Trot
1990 |
Dahl, Roald |
- New York |
47649 |
Woodsong: Three-Time Newbery Honor Author
1990 |
Paulsen, Gary |
Scholastic - New York |
47650 |
Information Seeking in the Online Age : Principles and Practice
199 |
LARGE, Andrew |
Bowker-Saur |