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Number of items : 60046
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47601 Kuasa-Kata Jelajah Budaya-Budaya Politik di Indonesia 1990 Anderson, Benedict R. O'G Mata Bangsa
47602 Rules of The Air Annex 2 1990 ICAO
47603 Hugo Grotius and International Relations 1990 Hedley Bull Clarendon Press - Oxford
47604 Value and Justification The Foundations of Liberal Theory 1990 Gerald F. Gaus Cambridge University Press - New York
47605 The Power of Legitimacy Among Nations 1990 Thomas F. Frank Oxford University press - New York
47606 Liberating Systems Theory 1990 Robert L. Flood Springer - New York
47607 The Rise and Decline of The Nationa State 1990 Basic Blawell - Massachusettes
47608 Themes in Modern European History : 1830 - 1890 1990 Routledge - London and New York
47609 Explaining and Understanding International Relations 1990 Martin Hollis and Steve Smith Clarendon Press - Oxford
47610 Musyawarah Wilayah Muhammadiyah Jawa Tengah 1990 PP Muhammadiyah
47611 Muhammadiyah 1990 PP Muhammadiyah
47612 Keputusan Rapat Kerja Nasional VIII Majlis PKU Muhammadiyah 1990 di Jakarta 1990 PP Muhammadiyah
47613 International Trade The Changing Role of the United States 1990 APS - New York
47614 Kritik Ideologi Pertautan Pengetahuan dan Kepentingan 1990 Hardiman, Francisco Budi Kanisius - Yogyakarta
47615 Life in the Javanese kraton 1990 Beek, Aart Van Oxford University Press - New York
47616 The Garebegs in the Sultanaat Jogjakarta 1990 Tirtokoesoemo, R. Soedjono Koninklijk Institut
47617 Amongraga Dalam Pustaka Centhini (Suatu Studi dari Aspek Mistik) 1990 Muzairi UIN Sunan Kalijaga - Yogyakarta
47618 Masyarakat dan Adat Budaya Lampung 1990 Hadikusuma, Hilman Mandar Maju - Bandung
47619 Moslims in Nederland 1990 Shadid, W.A.R. and P.S. van Koningsveld Alphen
47620 Arjunawiwaha 1990 Wiryamartana, i. Kuntara Duta Wacana University Press - Yogyakarta
47621 National Conference on Islam and Child Spacing 1990 - Mogadishu
47622 Talcott Parsons dan Pemikirannya: Sebuah Pengantar 1990 Hadikusumo, Hartono Tiara Wacana - Yogyakarta
47623 Tafsir Kontekstual Al Quran Sebuah Kerangka Konseptual 1990 Amal, Taufik Adnan and Syamsu Rizal Panggabean Mizan - Bandung
47624 Environmental Disputes: Community Involvement in Conflict Resolution 1990 James E. Crowfoot Island Press - Washington
47625 Percikan Pemikiran FISIPOL UGM Tentang Pembangunan 1990 Amal, Ichlasul FISIPOL UGM - Yogyakarta
47626 Society for International Development 1990 SID - Jakarta
47627 Critical Issues in Social Theory 1990 Rhoads, John K. Pennsylvania Press - Pennsylvania
47628 Conflict: Human Needs Theory 1990 Burton St. Martin's Press - Virginia
47629 Social Change and Development 1990 Y. So, Alvin SAGE - London
47630 Industrialization As An Agent of Social Change 1990 Blumer, Herbert Aldine de Gruyter - New York
47631 The Politics of Middle Class Indonesia 1990 Richard Tanter and Kenneth Young Centre of Southest Asian Studies - Victoria
47632 Governing the Commons 1990 Elinor Ostrom Cambridge University Press - Cambridge
47633 Entrepeneurship and Indian Muslims 1990 Akbar, M. Manak Publications - Jaipur
47634 Conflict Over Natural Resources in South-East Asia and the Pacific 1990 Lim Teck Ghee (ed.) Manila University Press - Manila
47635 Sosiologi Ekonomi 1990 Smelser, J. Wira Sari
47636 Agroforestry In Africa: A Survey of Project Experience 1990 Kerkhof, Paul PANOS - London
47637 States and Social Revolutions : A Compartive Analysis of France, Russia, amd China 1990 Skocpol, Theda Cambridge University Press - Cambridge
47638 Laporan Kerja Direksi Rumah Sakit Islam Jakarta 1990 RSI Jakarta - Jakarta
47639 Politics & War 1990 Kaiser, David Harvard University Press - Amerika
47640 The Might of Nations: World politics in our time 1990 Stoessinger, John G. Mc Graw Hill
47641 Manajemen Baiya: penekanan strategis Buku 2 1990 Blocher and Stout, Cokins Salemba Empat - USA
47642 Berita Resmi Muhammadiyah: Tanfidz Keputusan Muktamar Tarjih Muhammadiyah XXII 1990 PP Muhammadiyah
47643 Tanfidz Keputusan Silaturahmi Pimpinan Ikatan Pelajar Muhammadiyah Th. 1990 di Yogyakarta 1990
47644 Beberapa Model Pengembangan Masyarakat 1990 Bambang Setiaji Lembaga Pengabdian Masyarakat UMS - Surakarta
47645 Love Story 1990 Erich Segal Oxford - New York
47646 Jane Eyre 1990 Charlotte Bronte Oxford - New York
47647 The Secret Soldier: The Story of Deborah Sampson 1990 McGovern, Ann Scholastic - New York
47648 Esio Trot 1990 Dahl, Roald - New York
47649 Woodsong: Three-Time Newbery Honor Author 1990 Paulsen, Gary Scholastic - New York
47650 Information Seeking in the Online Age : Principles and Practice 199 LARGE, Andrew Bowker-Saur

Number of items : 60046