In this era of adaptation to new habits, the UMY Library for the first time held an online Bibliobattle activity on 25 July 2020. This event featured three presenters who were chosen by chance from lecturers at the Faculty of Language Education of UMY. They are Roojil Fadilah, Lc, MPd.I lecturer of Arabic Language Education Study Program, Azizia Freda, M.P.d lecturer of Japanese Language Education Study Program, and Fitria Rahmawati, S.Pd., M.Hum, lecturer of English Education Study Program.
Bibliobattle is a discussion development or book review that is packaged in the form of a contested game. This Bibliobattle can be done by:
First, several books (fiction or non-fiction) were presented by several presenters and then continued with questions and answers. After that, the best book selection was conducted. Second, the presenters presented interesting book contents such as novels, dramas, politics, etc. Then a question and answer session was carried out. After that, a poll was created to see which presenter was the best.
In the bibliobattle which was held by the UMY Library, the best presenter was Mrs. Fitria Rahmawati, S.Pd., M.Hum.
A library's bibliobattle is able to increase the number of visits (online and physical). Li and Mao (2015) stated in their article that bibliobattle activities in Japan in 2010 - 2013 were able to increase visits and generate high interest in the library. Meanwhile Galih Panimbing and Margareta Aulia Rachman have conducted bibliobattle research at The Library of the Ministry of Social Affairs in Indonesia. That study, found that there was a difference in the number of visitors before and after the bibliobattle. Before the bibliobattle, there were 828 people visiting the library and after the bibliobattle, the number of visitors increased to 955 people. Understandably, the library is a special library whose visitors are limited.
The many functions and benefits of the bibliobattle activity include:
1 As a library promotion strategy in product, price, promotion, and place
2 As a means of interaction with the general public
3 To increase the use of library resources
4 As a media of collaboration between educators and students
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