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UMY Library

The library embryo already existed on August 1, 1982, which was located at Jl. K.H.Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta. Then in 1984 the UMY library moved to the Jl. H.O.S. Cokroaminata No 17 Wirobrajan Yogyakarta at the same time with the moving of the Muhammadiyah University Yogyakarta / UMY campus. 

Simultaneously the UMY campus moved from Wirobrajan to the new campus to Jl. Lingkar Selatan Tamantirta Kasihan Bantul Yogyakarta dated July 1, 1997, then the embryo of the library, officially became the UMY Library with the Decree of the UMY Chancellor Number 090 / SK UMY / VII / 1997 occupying the A.R. Fachruddin A 1st floor.

Then on July 19, 2000, the UMY Library moved to a new building, namely Building D, 2nd floor and 3rd floor. Until September 2019, the 2nd floor was used for public reading rooms, canteens, American Corner, French Stalls, prayer rooms, Taiwan Education Center, repository rooms & journal. 3rd floor for the collection of printed books, study room, prayer room, Muhammadiyah Corner, processing room, internet room, warehouse. Meanwhile, the 1st floor is for administration, prayer room, assembly room 1 & 2, carrel room, Muhammadiyah Corner, and knowledge sharing room.

Besides the Central Library, there are also Postgraduate libraries, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Islamic Religion, Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Faculty of Economics and Business, Institute of Islamic Practice and Development (LPPI) and Language Training Center library which all have integrated management, procurement, services, procurement of books, and e-journals, budget, and human resource assignments.



Management Team


Staff Novy Diana Fauzie,SS.MA. : Kepala Perpustakaan UMY
Staff Laela Niswatin,S.I.Pust. (Ka. Ur. Pengolahan dan Layanan)
Library Unit in UMY
Library Staff
Staff Nur Hasyim Latief, SIP.
Staff Kaniya Hersiananda R., S. P.
Staff M. Jubaidi,SIP., M.A.
Staff Saifudin Zuhri, Amd. Pust
Staff M. Rifki Nugroho
Staff Yuliana Ramawati, A.Md
Staff Aidilla Qurrotianti,SIP.
Staff Arda Putri Winata,SIP.MA.
Staff Muhammad Naufal Hidayatullah, S.IP
Staff Muh Erdiansyah CA.,SIP
Staff Syafira Afra Kamilah, S.P
Staff Muhkamad Fatori, SIP.
Library Units
  1. American Corner
  2. Perpustakaan BEI FE
  3. Perpustakaan Fakultas Agama Islam
  4. Perpustakaan Fakultas Hukum
  5. Perpustakaan Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa
  6. Perpustakaan Fakultas Pertanian
  7. Perpustakaan Fakultas Teknik
  8. Perpustakaan FKIK
  9. Perpustakaan LPPI
  10. Perpustakaan Magister Manajemen
  11. Perpustakaan Magister Studi Islam
  12. Perpustakaan Pasca Sarjana
  13. Perpustakaan Prodi Akutansi
  14. Perpustakaan Prodi Hubungan Internasional
  15. Perpustakaan Prodi Ilmu Ekonomi
  16. Perpustakaan Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi
  17. Perpustakaan Prodi Ilmu Pemerintahan
  18. Perpustakaan Prodi Manajemen
  19. Perpustakaan Program Doktor
  20. Perpustakaan Program Vokasi
  21. Perpustakaan Pusat
  22. Perpustakaan Pusat - Muhammadiyah Corner
  23. Perpustakaan Pusat - Ruang Komputer
  24. Perpustakaan Pusat - Ruang Sharing Knowledge
  25. Perpustakaan Pusat Pelatihan Bahasa
  26. Perpustakaan Pusat UMY - Ruang Repositori
  27. Perpustakaan RSGM UMY
  28. Perpustakaan Student Learning Centre
  29. Universiana
  30. Warung Perancis