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UMY Library hosts Accreditation Guidance Webinar
Author : Translator Date : 14 December 2021

Accreditation is one of the many benchmarks in determining the quality of a library. Many libraries, both University Libraries and School Libraries, strive to be accredited by the National Library. In the accreditation process, there are several forms that must be prepared.

In addition, when filling out the forms, tricks are needed so that assessors can more easily assess the forms provided, which has an impact on the final result of the accreditation process. As such, the UMY Library held a webinar which discussed the accreditation process, especially in high school libraries. This activity was filled directly by Drs. Lasa Hs., M.Si. as the Head of UMY Library as well as a former library accreditation assessor. This activity was held on 29, 30 July and 4 August 2020 online using the webinar application.
