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Talking about Stock Investment with UMY Library
Author : Aidilla Qurotianti Date : 14 December 2021

On Tuesday (02/11/21) the UMY Library held a “Ngobrol Bisnis #1” event with the theme “Stock Investment for Beginners” which was broadcast live through the UMY Library's Live IG ( @perpustakaan_umy). The resource persons at the event is Fitra Prasapawidya Purna, S.E., M.Sc who is a teaching staff of the UMY Economics Study Program. The purpose of the event is to provide knowledge and understanding to the public, especially students, to be literate in stock investment from an early age so that they can be wiser in determining strategies in investing. 

The event lasted for 30 minutes and was attended by several students and the general public. During the event, Fitra Prasapawidya Purna, S.E., M.Sc explained various things about stock investment for beginners, especially millennials. He explained that in stock investment, you must first look at the profile of the securities company. “The way to start investing is through an application available on the App Store but make sure it is licensed from the OJK or it can be through a large securities company. In addition, make sure your friends understand the concept of buying and selling or investing in stocks,” he said.

In the session he also explained that in investing, it is also necessary to be careful in choosing a securities company to avoid various risks in investing such as capital loss or liquidation. "Don't put eggs in one basket. Don't just invest in one company, but place your investment funds in several good companies. The goal is that you still have investment reserves elsewhere when one of the securities companies collapses or suddenly decreases the value of its shares. That way your overall type of investment doesn't fall in value as a whole.”

It is hoped that the holding of this event can provide education for the public, especially students, to be investment literate. Fitra Prasapawidya Purna, S.E., M.Sc also advised UMY students not to invest in stocks just because they are joining in or trending, but because they understand the purpose of investing and don't just invest.
